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General Mills Food Processing Plant Destroyed.. Within The Past Six Months Several Major Food Processing Plants Have Been 'Mysteriously' Destroyed Within The US. According To The White Hats/Galactic's ALL Cabal Owned Buildings MUST Be Destroyed, Including The Food Processing Plants. The Old Demonic System MUST Be Destroyed To Rebuild and Start Anew. However The Black Hats/Cabal Will Use This Opportunity To Create The Illusion of A Food Shortage Here In America. The Land Air, Water and Food Supply Has Been Poisoned and The Clean Up Process Might Be Tough For Those Who Are Not Prepared. Behind The Scenes The Galactic's Have Delivered Replicators To Earth. These Replicators Will Be Used To Replenish The Food/Water Supply Without The Poisons and Toxins, But it Will Take a Little Time. Depending On Where You Live Many Supermarkets Are Running Low On Certain Basic Foods and Supplies. I Can't Say This Enough I Am Urging Everyone To 'Stock Up' On Food and Supplies That You'll Need To Ride Out The Storm. From What I Am Hearing Within a Few Months Many Super Market Store Shelves Will Become Bare and The Price For Food Might Increase Ten Fold.

Author: Sen- I

Exposing John Walsh .... What Really Happened To His Son Adam Walsh? John Walsh vs. Meghan Walsh Child Custody Battle in Vero Beach Florida! MUST WATCH!. John Walsh' Daughter Meghan Walsh Exposes Her Father John Walsh Implicating Him In The Disappearance and Possibly The Murder of Her Brother Adam Walsh. Adam Walsh Went Missing In 1981, 11 Days After His Disappearance His Severed Head Was Found. John Walsh's Daughter Wants Her Brother Adam Walsh's Case Re Opened. According To John Walsh's Daughter The Famous Hollywood Celebrity, TV Personality John Walsh is Connected To The Cabals Global Pedophile Ring, Child/Drug Trafficking . Click HERE To View.

Help MEGHAN WALSH STORY GO VIRAL- this effects every American Family. The BELOW VIDEO IS OF MEGHAN WALSH PRESS CONFERENCE MONDAY WHERE SHE GOES UP AGAINST CPS/DCF to attempt to halt the practice of legal kidnapping of her children by her father and in my words an ILLUMINATI asset and PUPPET of the Global Child Trafficking RING.

CPS is planning to kidnap her unborn baby plus take her 3 existing children and give to a man who lost a child in a department store under nefarious circumstances that many truthers discern to be SRA abuse measures. ( SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE) Please all come together and help Meghan. This is ELITE Abuse to secure children into the cult of Satan. Meghan has lost one brother to this cult, ADAM WALSH & now her own are being stolen for likely nefarious reasons. This happened to my great nieces and nephews this year who were stolen from christian mother by my ILLUMINATI puppet family. Click HERE To View.

Valiant Thor The Alien From Venus Who Worked For The Pentagon Click HERE To View.

This Demon Hillary Rodham Clinton Wife of Former President Bill Clinton Murdered The Little Girl Posted In The Picture Below. These Satanic Demons Feed and Get High off of The Blood (Adrenochrome) Fear and Pain They Inflict Upon The Babies and Children They Capture, Torture, Sacrifice and Eat. This Little Girl Was ALIVE as Her Face Was Being Cut Off. Their Victims Must Be ALIVE As They are Tortured To Death. Their Fear, Screaming and Crying Causes Their Body To Release Adrenochrome Into Their Blood Stream.

Adrenochrome is The Drug These Psychotic Satanic Demons Crave. They Will Torture Adults For Their Adrenochrome BUT They Prefer To Ingest The Blood (Adrenochrome) of Babies and Children, Because Their Blood is Pure and Untainted. The Adrenochrome Harvested From Adults is Tainted By Nicotine, Drugs, Unhealthy Foods etc.

They Have Many Gruesome and Barbaric Ways That They Use To Torture and Kill Their Victims. Cutting/Shaving Off The Face of a Child is Just One Way. I'll Say This Again 'Where Was GOD When This Little Girl Was Being Tortured To Death?.'

Hillary Rodham Clinton Has Brutally Raped, Tortured, Sacrificed, Murdered and Drank/Ate The Blood and Flesh of Many Babies and Children. She Died and or Was Killed Off Over 5 Years Ago. No matter How She Died Her Death Was Easy and Painless Compared To The Unimaginable Pain She Inflicted On Her Victims.

Forgive Me For My Anger and Bluntness But I Hope The Universe and or The Central Sun Destroyed Hillary Rodham Clinton's Soul. Her Soul Should NEVER Be Allowed To Incarnate Again.

Author: Sen-I

Siblings Expose The Satanic Ritual Abuse They Endured In Their School at The Hands of Their Father Who Worked at The School. YES, YOUR Children Can Suffer Sexual/Satanic Abuse While They Are Attending School and You Wont Know It. Click HERE To View.

Watch The Water - Why Would These Satanic Alien/Human Demon Psychopaths Purposely Inject Humans With Snake Venom? Why Would They Spray Snake Venom In The Air? Why Would They Add Snake Venom To The Food/Water Supply? How Many Different Types of Snake Venom Are Part of The COVID-19 BIOWEAPON Posing as a Vaccine/Booster? Why Does The 'SNAKE' Represent The Medical/Health Care System? Its' Time For Humanity To Learn The Shocking Connection Between This Plandemic, Western Medicines Satanic Healthcare System and The Eternal Battle of Good and Evil Which Began in the Garden of Eden.

ONE Of The Best Ways For An Alien Species To Take Over Humanity Would Be To Transform Humans Into The Likeness of Themselves. The Reptilian Alien Species is Just ONE Of The Species of Aliens Races Who Want Full Control Over Humanity and They Too Have Infiltrated Every Aspect of The Human Experience On This Ship/Planet. Click HERE To Watch The Water

Vermont Couple Files $20M Lawsuit Against Disney Cruise Line Vermont couple files $20M lawsuit against Disney Cruise Line over toddler's alleged sexual assault while in the ship's daycare center. 'Time To Bring ANYTHING Related To Disney Down' Click HERE To View.

Time Travel Proves 'The Future Is The Past.' Most All Technologies We Use Today Existed In The Past, Matter a Fact Most of Our Current Technologies Were Created Millions of Years Ago By Various Alien Races.

Did You Know Paying Taxes is Voluntary? Well Now You Do.. I Think NOW Would Be A GREAT Time To Pull Out Your Calculators and Start Calculating How Much The IRS OWES You, Because You Do Not OWE Them Jack Shit. EVERYTHING You've Been Indoctrinated To Believe In On This Ship/Planet is a LIE..

This Poor Being Is A Hybrid/Chimera. He is Part Human Part Mouse. Over Many Decades These Satanists Have Created Mixed and Matched The DNA of Humans, Aliens, Fish, Plants Animals etc. Creating A Vast Variety of Hybrid Beings. In My Personal Opinion There is No Punishment Befitting The Heinous Crimes Forced Upon Humanity. Death A Thousand Times is Too Good For These Demons.

Lady Gaga Was Genetically Born a MALE But He Was Forced as a Child To Live His Life as a Female, So In His Adult Life He'd Play The Role of Lady Gaga. These Satanic Demons Start Fracturing The Minds of Children When They Are Toddlers, and They are Groomed To Play The Role Of Specific Character(s). By The Time They are Adults They Have No Idea Who The Fuck They Are, Because Their Minds Have Been Purposely and Perfectly Screwed Up..

Most EVERY Hollywood Celebrity Has Raped, Eaten, Murdered, Sacrificed at Least ONE Child. If You Want To Maintain Your Fame, Financial/Celebrity Status You MUST Make a Deal with Satan and When Satan Comes To Collect You Gotta Pay. Ellen Degenerass (Degenerate) Was Genetically Born a MALE, But Was Raised as Female So In Her Adult Life She Could Play His Scripted Role as a Male Lesbian Who Rapes Children.

Why is Political Clown Chuck Schumer Lip Locking With This Baby? For Those Who Don't Know This Picture Was Taken on Epstein Island. Epstein Island is ONE Of The Islands The Elite and Celebrity Baby Rapers Go To Rape, Torture, Sacrifice, Murder and Eat Babies and Children.

Can Any of You Tell Me What The Fuck is This About? I'll Tell Ya, ALL Religions Were Created By The Negative Alien Races That Control This Ship/Planet. Religion Is Just Another Tool They Use To Control The People. I'll Say This Again 'the GOD(s) You See Dwells Within YOU, Not Outside of YOU, It is YOU.' In Other Words.

What Type of Loving GOD Tells You 'You Must Foresake All Others and Worship and Love ONLY Him?". What Type of GOD Says You Gotta Come To Him On Bended Knees, Pray To Him or Pay For Your Sins Through ALL Eternity? Let Me Ask This Question "Did You Ask Jesus To Die For Your Sins? Did You Ask God To Give Up His ONLY Son To Atone For Your Sins? What Kind of Loving Father Would Allow His Child To Be Damn Near Beaten To Death, Hung On The Cross Til' Death All To Atone The Sins of Every Being? Would YOU Make Your Kid Do That?

They Got Yall' Worshiping A Self Centered, Hateful God That is Full of Himself Not Love For You or Children. They Have You Worshiping The Alien GOD(s) Who Helped Create, Then Enslave. No REAL Loving GOD Would Allow His Creation, Babies, Children To Be Raped, Tortured, Murdered, Sacrificed and Eaten By Demons For Many Centuries as He Stands Back and Does NOTHING To Stop It.

Look at These Pictures What Are They Telling You? 'ALL Religions are a Tool of Mass Destruction'.

Author: Sen-I

Alien Based Medical Technology Will Replace Ancient Western Medicine. Every Disease, Physical/Mental Ailment/Disability Will Be CURED Within Minutes. No More Poisonous Pills, Deadly Chemical Treatments.

We Stand Up and Salute ALL Who Are In Battle For The Freedom Including Our K-9 Solders.

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