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John Titor The Man Who Time Traveled From The Year 2036 To 1975 and Then To The Year 1999 and In The Year 2000, He Returned To His Time Line In The Year 2036.

John Titor Authentic Time Traveling Footage.

John Titor's Story Began In The Year 2036. John Titor Was Part of A Team of 7 Individuals Who Was Selected To Embark On A Journey Through Time. He Time Traveled Back To 1975, Then Traveled To 1999. John Titor Had Lived Through Unimaginable Horrors in a World Destroyed By Cynicism, Apathy, Greed, Corrupt Government, and In The U.S.,

A Civil War Followed By Devastating Outside Nuclear Attack. To Make Matters Worse What Little Remain of Their Technology Was Threatened By A Looming UNIX Timeout Error in The Year 2038.

In Early Years of 2000 John Returned To His Time Line of 2036 and He Hasn't Returned Since. He States He Prefers Living In His Time Line Because It Was Earths Current Time Line That Destroyed His World.

Author: Jetson White


I Learned About John Titor Between The Year 2004-2006. I Found His Venture To Earth Fascinating and That Is When I Became Interested In Learning More About Time Travel, So I Began My Research.

Unlike John Titor I Myself Have The Natural Ability To Time Travel Without The Use of A Machine, But I Had To Work My Way Up To That Level of Knowledge and I Had To Earn/Train That 'Natural' Ability Within Me. It Took Me Years of Training and Hard Work In in My Etherical Body and In Many Off Planet Worlds.

My First Time Travel Experience Occurred About 5 Years Ago. In My Etherical Body I Was Taken Off Planet To The Future. I Actually Met Another Version of Myself On Another Planet/Dimension. She Appeared Slightly Older Then Me and She Had Acquired Everything I Had Hoped To Acquire In My Present Life Here On Earth.

I Actually Spent Two Full Separate Earth Days With Her. The First Visit I Met Up with Her at Her Home. We Spent That Day Talking and Getting To Know Each Other and We Toured Her Home and The Massive Land That Surrounded Her Home..

As We Began Talking I Realized She Knew EVERYTHING About Me, But I Knew Nothing About Her But As She Continued Telling Me About Her Life I Realized Or Similarities. Our First Visit Came To an End I Didn't Want To Leave Her, But She Promised I'd Return The Next Day. My Etheric Body Was Sent Back To Earh. Upon My Return I Reintegrated With My Physical Body.

The Next Night Which Was A Sunday My Etheric Body Exited My Physical Body and as Promised I Revisited Myself Once Again In The Future. I Did Not Think I'd Be Able To Return For A 2nd Visit, But I Did and I Was Very Happy To See Her Again.

Our 2nd Visit Took Place at Her Place of Work. She Owned A Very Large Medical/Rehab Facility. Her Very Large Staff of Care Takers Took Care of Infants, Children, Adults and Seniors Who Wer Afflicted All Types of Mental/Physical/Cognitive Disabilities.

Her Staff Was Superb and They Lovingly, Patiently Catered To The Needs of ALL Patients/Clients and She Made Sure That Everyone Was Properly and Respectfully Cared For. Her Staff Worked at Her Facility Without Receiving Any Type of Payment, They Worked There Because They Truly Enjoyed Their Work and They Genuinely Wanted To Be of Service To Those Less Fortunate.

Just Like My Home Planet 'Inside of The Sun' There Was No Need For A Monetary System, Because Everyone Who Lived On This Planet Had The Natural Ability To Manifest ANYTHING Want or Need, Therefore The Need For Money Does Not Exist.

The 2nd Part of Her Very Large Facility Houses and Cares For All Types of Sick and Injured Small/Large Animals. Again, The Staff Who Work with The Animals Are There Because They Want To Be There, Not Because They Have To Be There To Earn A Paycheck To Pay Bills and Buy Food.

Just Like The Human Patients The Animals in Her Facility Are Lovingly, Respectfully Cared For By Staff That Has A Genuine Love for All Animals 'Sentient Beings'.

Once or Twice A Day She Does Her Rounds and Takes Time To Visit Her Staff and ALL Patients Who Live at Her Facility. The Patients Pay NOTHING, Top Notch Physical, Occupational ADL Care is Provided Free of Charge For as Long as The Patient Requires.

This Version, Which I'd Like To Refer to as a Higher Version of Myself is an Amazing Woman and I Am Honored and Grateful To Have Had The Chance To Get To Know Her, But at The Same Time She is 'ME' Living and Existing in a Different World/Dimension/Reality.

After My 1st Time Travel Experience To The Future I Was Able To Time Travel To Various Dimensions/Worlds To See Other Versions of Myself Living Different Lives. To Have The Ability To Connect with Different Versions of Myself That Exist in Other Realms Is' Truly Amazing.

About A Year Ago I Was Sent On A Mission Where I Had To Travel Back In Time. I Traveled Back To The Year 1983. My Galactic/Spiritual Guides Have a Great Sense of Humor. Most of The Time They Do Not WARN Me of Where I Am Going and Why, They Usually Just Place Me Where I Am Supposed To Be.

They'll Give Me A Few Brief Instructions and Then I Have to Recall From Memory What I've Learned and Apply it To The Situation/Mission. I Was Sent Back In Time To Connect with A Young Woman Who Needed Reassurance About Her Future and Her Place In Our Current Reality.

I Met Up With Her at Her Doctors Office and I Sat and Talked with Her For Awhile. Once I Entered Her Reality Time Froze, Everything Stopped. The Only Person That Saw Me Was Her, Everyone Else Seemed Frozen or Maybe They Were in A Deep Trance Like State. .

Before I Left I Said To Her 'Can I Ask You Question?' She Said 'YES'. I Said 'What Year Is It?'. She Looked at Me as if I Were Nuts or as If I Should Have Known What Year it Was. She Smiled and 'Its' 1983'.

I Smiled Back at Her and I Said 'Thank You, You'll Be Alright, Take Care' and Then I Re Entered The Portal That Looked Like an Elevator. As I Entered The Portal Everyone In That Small Doctors Office Un Froze and They Continued On With Their Business as if Nothing Happened, They Did Not Notice My Presence and That is The Way It Was Supposed To Be..

How I am Able To Travel Outside of My Physical Body: My Etheric Body is Made Up of Pure Energy That is Conscious and Intelligent. I Do Not Require A Human Physical Body To Exist. I Take On A Physical Body Only If I Am On A Planet That Requires The Use of a Physical Body.

When I Am On A Mission or When I Travel Outside of My Physical Body, My Etheric Body Simply Exits My Human Body. My Human Body Is Placed in A Deep Stasis Type of Sleep, Until I Return.

While I Am Away My Physical Body Continues its' Normal Bodily Functions. When/If My Physical Body is in Any Type of Distress I Will Immediately Return and Re Enter My Physical Body. YES, I've Had To Do That A Few Times and Its' A Weird Feeling. I'm Literally Bounced Back Into My Human Body and it Takes My Mind, Body and Spirit A Few Minutes To Re Align Being Back On Earth.

While On My Travels I Remain Connected To My Physical Body via My Etherical Life Line Silver Cord. When/If The Time Comes and That Cord is Severed I Will No Longer Be Able To Return To My Current Human Physical Body, I Will However Be Able To Return To My Home Planet or I Can Choose To Take On A New Assignment On Another Planet/Dimension/World/Reality.

I Am Currently Participating In Off Planet Counseling/Training For My Next Assignment. I, Like Thousands of Others Have Spent Many Life Times Here On Earth and I've Completed The Bulk of My Task/Mission Here and There's Not Much Else For Me To Do and Soon it Will Be Time For Me To Move On.. .

As Galactic Beings We Are NOT Our Human Physical Body, We Are Pure Conscious Energy, We Are Intelligent, Infinite Beings. Our Energy Can Born Into or Manifest Any Physical Alien/Human Body/Life Form. We Are Made Up of 'Infinite Energy', We Do Not Need A Physical Body To Exist in Any Realm.

Death is a Constructed Illusion; You Do Not Die. When Your Physical Body Stops Working, Your Conscious Energy Moves On To Another Realm/Dimension/Reality/World. Humans Of Earth Were Indoctrinated to Fear Death.

The Concept of Death is Part of The Psychological Enslavement On This Planet. The Truth They Do Not Want You To Know is 'YOU, Just Like Myself Have The Genetic/Natural Ability To Travel The UNIVERSE and To Live Wherever You Choose To Exist,' That is How I Incarnated On Earth, I Planned Out My Life and I Volunteered To Be Here During Humanities MEGA Planetary Transitional Stage.

Similar To John Titor I Time Traveled Back In Time To Exist During This Time. The Most AMAZING Part About All of This According To John Titor and Many Other Expert Humanity Is Being Prepared To Time Travel Back In Time Before Earth Was Taken Over By Hostile Forces.

According To Very Detailed Plans 7 BILLION People Will Be Transported Out of This Hell Hole. Those Who Have Evil Spirits Will Be Left Behind. At This Point, There is No Other Plausible Way To Put an End To This Never Ending Tyranny and Enslavement On This Planet.

If You Want To Get A Better Understanding of What Will Take Place Feel Free To Listen/Watch This Video and The Videos of John Titor's Time Travel That Was Created During His Visit To This Time Line. ALL Of His Videos Are Listed On This One Page. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

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