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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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Midazolam and 'Remdesivire' Was Used To Prematurely End The Lives Of (MURDER) Thousands Whom You Were Told Died Of COVID-19 Click HERE To View.

People Who've Been Vaxxed with The COVID-19 BIOWEAPON/Boosters Are Being Denied Life Insurance Policies. Various Companies Who Provide Life Insurance Denying Policies To Those Who've Been Vaxxed. They Are Also Denying Family Members To Cash In On Life Insurance Policies On Those Who've Died as a Result of The COVID-19 BIOWEAPON/Boosters. WHY? According To Companies Who Provide Life Insurance Adults Who Agreed To Get Vaxxed and or Have Their Children Vaxxed, Willingly Agreed To Be Injected with an EXPERIMENTAL BIOWEAPON.

The BIG Question That Needs To Be Addressed is 'How Many People Who Agreed To Get Vaxxed Were Told They Were Taking Part in a Diabolical EXPERIMENT That Had NOTHING To Do with Protecting Them From A Virus That Does Not Exist? How Many People Were Told They Were Going To Be Injected with All Types of Diseases, Nano Technology, Over 100 Different Types of Snake Venom, Graphene Oxide (Black Goo), and Many Other Toxic, Deadly Ingredients?'

How Many People Who Were Vaxxed Signed Legal Papers Agreeing To Be A Guinea Pig? How Many People Were Told About The Long Term Dangerous and Deadly Side Effects of This Bioweapon and Its' Boosters? ie; Heart Disease, Cancer, AIDS, Diabetes, Organ Failure, Total Destruction of The Immune System, Mental/Physical Disabilities etc. How Many People Were Told The BIOWEAPON Was Purposely Designed To ALTER Their Human DNA and Transform Them Into A New Species a 'Transhuman' Being? No One.... No One Was Told The TRUTH About Anything.

Now Today Millions of People Who Agreed To Get Vaxxed Because They Believed They Were Protecting Themselves and Their Families From A Virus are Now Having To Deal with The Harsh Consequences of Their Choices. There are Many People Who Did Not Want To Get Vaxxed But They Were Forced Into an Ultimatum 'Get Vaxxed or Lose Your Job'. What Type of Free Will Choice is That? If Anything That is a Fuckin' Threat.

Now The Shit is Really Hitting The Fan Because Thousands Upon Thousands of People In The U.S. Who've Been Vaxxed are Becoming Severely Ill Permanently Disabled and Dying as a Result of This EXPERIMENTAL BIOWEAPON and The Victims of This Sick Demented Game Have No Where To Turn Because No One In Power Wants To Take Responsibility For This Tragedy. Matter a Fact These No Good Pieces Of Shit Have Managed To Legally Protect Themselves From Being Sued for Injuries and Deaths Caused By The BIOWEAPON.

Some Insurance Companies Are Viewing Deaths From The BIOWEAPON as SUICIDES. They Figure Adults Should Have Taken The Time To Do Their Own Research Before Agreeing To Be Injected with an EXPERIMENTAL BIOWEAPON/Boosters.

When Its' All Said and Done 'Who is To Blame The Victims, The Demons Who Created The BIOWEAPON/Boosters or The People Who Injected The POISON Into The Bodies of Millions of Un Suspecting Children and Adults?' Click HERE To View.

Where is COVID-19? - People Around The World Are Beginning To Realize They've Been Horrifically Lied Too.

Since We're Taking About The Deliberate POISONING Of American Citizens I Thought I'd Share a Flash Back News Clip Video. Back In The 1980's Bayer Drug Company Sold Their Pain Pills To The Public and Deliberately POISONED and Infected Thousands of People with HIV/AIDS. On This Planet Whether You Are Aware of This or Not, Whether You've Consented or Not Ever Since The Day of Our Birth We Were Viewed as a Guinea Pigs and Used In All Sorts of Diabolical Experiments. If I Were To Mention All The Experiments Humans Have Been Put Under It Would Make Yall' Sick To Your Stomach.

Every BIOWEAPON Posing as COVID-19 Vaccine/Boosters Contain Nano Routers - This Means Everyone Who's Been Vaxxed is an Actual 'Receiver/Transmitter' They Are Connected To 5G WiFi, BlueTooth and A.I.'s Main Frame/HUB. Using a Computer or a Smart Phone Anyone Can Literally Track Those Who've Been Vaxxed By Their Personal ID Chip/Code That Was Injected Into Their Body and Then Just Like A Computer They Can Hack Into Their Mind/Body and Program Them, Make You Sick or Kill Them.

I've Already Watched Several Videos Of People Picking Up Signals On Their Smart Phones When They Are Standing Next To Someone Who's Been Vaxxed. Once They Access a Particular App The Vaxxed Persons ID Code Appears On Their Phones. Turning Humans Into Programmable Cyborgs That Can Be Controlled By Remote is All Part of The Satanic Cabals Transhuman Agenda. Click HERE To View.

6 Minutes of Knowledge From The Legend Himself Jordan Maxwell. Jordan Maxwell Was One of The GREATEST Researchers There Ever Was. He Was My Teacher and Most of What I Learned Came Through His Knowledge. Jordan Maxwell Exited This Planet a Few Weeks Ago, But His Legacy and Knowledge Will Forever Be Passed On. R.I.P Jordan Thank You For Being My Mentor.

WARNING This Video Contains Graphic Images of The Little Girls Hillary Rodham Clinton The Wife of Former President Bill Clinton Raped, Tortured and Murdered.

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