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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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These Two People Are Part of The 'Tall Whites' Alien Species. For Many Years They Lived Peacefully On Earth Among The Residents That Resided in Paradise, California. A Few Years Ago Paradise California Was Ravaged and Destroyed By Severe Fire.

A Rival Alien Species Attacked Paradise California in Hopes of Killing Most if Not All The 'Tall Whites' Alien Species That Lived In That Area Because They Wanted Full Control Over That Area.. From My Understanding Many of The Tall Whites Were Able To Escape The Deadly Fires in Paradise By Accessing Their Ships and Their Underground Bases.

The Galactic Portions of The War Humanity is in is Happening All Around Us 24/7. The Media Covers Up The Galactic War By Creating Narratives That Are Believable By Most of The U.S. Public Who Remain Unaware of What's Truly Unfolding Right Before Their Eyes. On.

In Several Countries The Galactic War is Not Hidden From The Public, Because Their News Outlets Have Told Them The Truth About The Aliens and The Galactic Wars. In These Countries The Alien War is Fully Visible and This Includes The Use of Some Pretty Large Galactic Battle Ships.

Other Governments of Other Countries Seem To Keep Their People Alot More Informed On What's Really Going On Then They Do In America. The Reason is Because The Cabal Are More Concentrated Here in America is One of The Cabals Central HUBS. In America The Cabal Work Harder To Keep The Public Dumbed Down By Creating All Types of Diversions and False Narratives. Those Who Do Not Question or Do Any Research Are More Likely To Believe Whatever They Are Told To Believe.

Author: Sen-I

This is A Picture of A Human/Alien Hybrid. She Was Created By Mixing Several Alien DNA's and This Includes The DNA of Humans Who Are of Mixed Alien Species.

This Is 'Valiant Thor'. Valiant Thor Is an Alien and His Home Planet Like Nikola Tesla is Venus. Valiant Thor Traveled To Earth To Work With The Pentagon Back In The 1960's.. He Stayed For Several Years Then He Returned Back To His Home Planet, Venus. His Primary Mission On Earth Was To Share Alien Based Technology, Including How To Generate an Endless Flow of 'Free Energy' For Earth.

The Corrupt U.S. Government Hid The Alien Based Technology From Humanity and They Used It For Themselves and To Create and Promote Their Diabolical Agendas. In This Picture Valiant Thor is Several Hundreds Years Old. His Particular Species Does Not Age and They Look Like Humans, However He Has 6 Fingers On Each Hand..

Valiant Thor is a Venusian From The Planet Venus. Within The Venusian Species as With Most Alien Species There Are Many Sub Species. His Particular Venusian Species Does Not Age.

Author: Sen-I

Do You Still Believe These Demons Are Not After Your Children? This is One of The Diabolical Methods The Cabal Use To Groom and Program The Minds of Your Children. The Cabals End Goal is To Transform Your Children into 'Gender Confused Sexual Deviants Slaves.' They Are Promoting Pedophilia and Transgenderism and Whether You Get it or NOT They Are Experimenting On Your Children. As A Parent/Caretaker it is YOUR Responsibility To Stay Informed So YOU Can Protect YOUR Children Because On This Planet/Ship 'ALL Children Are Prey On.'

The Elephant In The Room That No One Wants To Talk About.

This Man Speaks The Truth Regarding The Ignorance of The People..

How BIG Pharma Keeps Getting Away With Poisoning The People.

This is Graphene Oxide and How It Responds To 5G. This is ONE Of The Horrific Ingredients That Has Been Injected Into Everyone Who's Been Vaxxed with The BIOWEAPON Posing As COVID-19 Vaccine.. Graphene Oxide is Programmable A.I. and Once Injected Into The Body It Assembles Itself, Travels To The Brain and Throughout The Body and Can Be Remotely Programmed By 5G. This is How The Cabal Will Control Transhuman Beings.

Dr. David Martin Breaks Down the True Purpose of the mRNA Vaccines "This is a genetic engineering and genetic modification as stated by the companies, and it is in fact gene therapy designed to harm humanity and perpetually make humanity a slave to the ongoing gene editing fantasies of psychopaths."

How Many Americans Are Laughing with FAKE Joe Biden.

This is 'Vlad The Impaler.' Based On My Research He Is The 1st Known Person Who Kidnapped, Tortured Sacrificed, Murdered, Drained and Drank The Blood of Children/Adults. Vlad The Impaler's Reign of Terror Began Between The 13th -14th Century. As Far as I Can Tell The Name and Character of 'Dracula' Coud Have Came About Because of Vlad The Impaler's Legacy and Continues Today with Modern Day Vampirism. To Watch The Video Documentary of Vlad The Impaler Click HERE To View.

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