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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

Meta Profits Crash Facebook’s parent company Meta Platforms has reported a 21% drop in profits for the first quarter of this year, the company’s slowest revenue growth since going public a decade ago.

People Who've Died As A Result of Being Vaxxed Are Sending Signals From Their Graves This Man Is Standing in a Cemetary and He's Picking Up The I.D.. Codes and Signals of The People Who've Been Vaxxed and Have Died. You Can Literally Download an App, Install It On Your Smart Phone and Tap In and or If You Are A Wicked Hacker You Can Program Those Who've Been Vaxxed. WARNING To ALL Hackers: Leave Those Who've Been Vaxxed Alone, They Have More Then Enough To Face and Deal With. This Shit Here Aint' No Joke and is Scary.

Just A Reminder For Those Who Are Still Considering Getting Vaxxed and Vaxxing Their Children..

Massive Tornado Leveled Several Structures in Kansas State’s city Andover in US. They Control Weather On This Planet/Ship. VIA HAARP, Cloud Seeding, Small Nuclear Bombs, Electromagnetic Frequencies, High Tech Computers They Can Generate Tornadoes, Activate Volcanoes, Create Tsunamis, Hurricanes,

Snow Blizzards, Earth Shattering Earthquakes, Torrential Rain Storms, Scorching Heatwaves, Arctic Freeze You Name It They Can Make It Happen Within a Blink of an Eye If Need Be. The Cabal Control(ed) The Weather In Many Countries By Use of High Technology.

Currently The White Hats Have Control Of Most of The Weather Technology and They Are Now Using It To Destroy ALL Cabal Owned Structures and A Better World Will Rise From The Ashes.

Author: Sen-I

Food Processing Plant Fires: Conspiracy Or Coincidence? "What Is Going On Here?”

Shanghai COVID Concentration Camp. Shanghai Residents Have Not Only Been Locked Inside Their Homes and Apartments For Several Months, Shanghai Residents Which Include Children Have Also Been Removed From Their Homes and Forced To Live In Very Large COVID Concentration Camp Facilities.

For a Fake Virus That NEVER Existed This Goes Way Beyond Imagination. This Sick Demented Game Was NEVER About Protecting Humanity from a Virus, This is About Implementing a Totalitarian Rule Over Humanity By a Bunch of Fuckin' Demonic Aliens and Their Cabal Owned Psychopaths That Need To Be Destroyed NOW!!!!

Author: Sen-I

This is How Easy It Can Be To Fool The Public. 'Mask Are REAL.' Stay Woke.


Let’s start with those already now identified:

1. The CDC.

2. The WHO.

3. The governments of all those countries who mandated masks, tests and/or injections.

4. The vaccinators/medics/doctors/nurses/paramedics

5. The schools

6. The Hospitals

7. The Health trusts

8. The Health departments

9. Most corporations

10. Scientists who advised the above.

11. MPs/government ministers

12. The Unions

13. Shops

14. Transport systems

15. The police

16. The army

17. Anyone who conspired, aided and abetted, or was complicit in assisting any of the above.

I’m exhausted just from writing that list….

It’s so depressing to realise that so many members of our society are CLUELESS about the Nuremberg Code, the Nuremberg Trials and the Rule of Law.

27 Different Agencies Respond To Large Fire at Red Jacket Mountain View Resort in NH Another Cabal Owned Hang Out Spot Shattered. Click HERE To View.

Meet YOUR 'Strawman.' He/She Was Created The Day You Were Born. If You've Ever Seen Your Name Written In ALL Capitol Letters On Bills and Legal Documents They Are Addressing YOUR Strawman, Not YOU... Do You Write or Sign Your Name In ALL Capital Letters?

Did You Know You Are Stock On The Stock Market? Did You Know Elite Individuals, Corporations and Companies Are Using Your Social Security Number Purchase Yachts, Million Dollar Homes, Expensive Cars etc.? Did You Know You Have Millions Possibly Billions of Dollars Stashed In Banks Under Your Social Security Number?

Did You Know? Well Now You Do. Watch The Video and Check Your Accounts and See How Much They've Earned By Stealing and Using Your Social Security Number. As I Mentioned Before 'These Demons Feed Off Of Your LIFE and Your ENERGY.


How Much Is Your Social Security Number Worth On The Stock Exchange? For Instructions On Viewing Your Account Listen To The Video Listed Above Before Accessing This Website. Click HERE To View.

If You Are Interested In How They Clone Humans, If You Have Access To NetFlix You Can Watch The Movie 'Replicas.' Every Human On This Planet Has Unknowingly Been Cloned at Least Twice. Your Clone is an Exact 'Replica' of YOU..

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