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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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This is a Picture of A Gigantic Galactic Orb Ship.

CANCER: The Forbidden Cures That Have Been Purposely Hidden From Humanity Click HERE To View

Hollywood Entertainment Industry Uses Celebrities To Perform Satanic Rituals via Their Music and Performances. These Rituals Wake Up Demons Within The Performers and Invoke Satanic SPELLS Among The Fans Who Attend The LIVE Performance or The Home Viewer Audience.

The LGTBQ crew “I call them Satan’s army” are so proud to let you know they want you vaccinated… they even make songs about it in public.

They want you fully vaccinated & boosted with 47 pathogens including 8 strains of foreign HIV, graphene hydroxide “nanotechnology” Luciferase and MRNA technology… which makes you abit like them a “transhuman” or a tranny…

Tranny / Transhuman = a kind of human that is disconnected from the creator, nature and the universe.

Remember when the government were telling us Uk hospitals were full of unvaxxinted covid patients? Well it seems we were lied too. It was only it full of hungry for more subscriber nurses doing tiktok dance videos.. 💃 🕺

NEVER FORGET, the plandemic was brought in to get people primed up for the 4th industrial revolution, jabbed with graphene hydroxide nanotechnology, Luciferase & MRNA, not the other way round.

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