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Updated: May 18, 2022

SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

A Few Weeks After Comedian Joan Rivers Outed Michelle Obama aka Michael La Vaughn Robinson aka 'BIG Mike' Her Character Was Allegedly Murdered/Kill Off By The Cabal. I Say 'Allegedly' Because Since Joan Rivers 'Death' Over The Years I've Viewed Several Videos Showing Joan Rivers Alive & Well.

To ALL Who Did Not Believe There Was Such a Thing as a 'Cabal' Here Ya Go. Mocked, When "You Know, You Know and We Told You So.'

An Important Message From 'Deborah Tavares: 🆘 PET WARNING 🐾🐾😩Our pets are being targeted with a bacteria 🦠and many other BIOWEAPONIZED immune attacks - as an example, dogs are getting yeast infections in their ears . Immediate treatment is necessary. Dogs are also now infected with a bacteria which is showing up as a body rash on their skin! If left untreated this bacteria migrates to their paws 🐾and makes it difficult to walk.

We are told the treatment takes time and may require forever care. The vet says this is not contagious. HOWEVER - since the vet does not know much about the how’s - where’s and whys of this bacteria being an observant pet owner is important. OUR PETS ARE BEING POISONED.

ALSO - if your pet is RFID chipped you have contributed the the many illnesses the frequencies transmit. Further, many pets are vaccinated!!! We know in China 🇨🇳 when a pet owner is isolated due to covid their pets are killed. Our eco system is being destroyed and includes all that’s living.

Take care of yourselves and your pets!! Do all you can to be harder to kill.

Author : Deborah Tavares

Mother's Day at The Supreme Court.

Lawyers Say 'Scores of Unvaccinated Workers are Filing Wrongful Dismissal Claims Against Employers,' The MEGA Law Suites Filed In Regard To The COVID-19 PLANdemic Will Be Phenomenal. Click HERE To View.

Unvaxxed Kids Marked and Segregated in Canadian Cadets Program Click HERE To View.

The Biological Pope Was Executed In 2021, The Person In This Video is an Actor Playing The Scripted Role of The Pope. This Act is In Preparation To Remove The Pope From The Public Eye. They Are Trying Prepare and AWAKEN The Public.

Kathy Barnette Supporting George Floyd and Black Lives Matter.

On January 24, 2022 The Biden Administration Along With 196 Countries Gave Proposed Amendments To Give Away YOUR 'Sovereignty' To The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) W.H.O. Is Controlled By The Chinese Communist Party (C.C.P.) The C.C.P. Works In Conjunction With The 4th Reich NAZI Regime and The New World Order (N.W.O.)

During This Years Summit Held In Geneva, Switzerland Summit Card Carrying Cabal Satanists Who Call Themselves 'Delegates' Will Be Voting To Give Away ALL, Not Some, But ALL of Your RIGHTS and YOUR Sovereignty.

Although The Corrupt/Sinister Joe Biden Administration Signed Off On This Deal In January 2022, Those of Us Who Work In Alternative News Did Not Gain Access To This Vital Information Until A Few Days Ago, This is Why I Am Just Now Posting This Information.

If Yall' Been Keeping Up With The Information I've Been Posting You'll Know The Bush, Obama, Biden Adminstrations SOLD America and Its' People To China.

The Deal Was Set Once Biden Was Elected President. For Those Who Don't Know The 2020 Election Was Horrifically Rigged By The Democrats aka 'Demoncrats'. Several Countries Including China Played Their Role in U.S. 2020 Election Fraud.

Trump Legally Won The 2020 Presidential Election By A Landslide, However In A COUP These Psychopaths Overthrew Trump. Trump is a President In Exhile Right Now. Obama, Bush and Biden Administrations Worked With China and Accepted Millions Upon Millions of Dollars To Sell America To China.

Now, The Final Cherry On The Cake Will Happen When They Vote To Take Away YOUR Sovereignty and ALL of Your Rights & Freedom.

Is There a Back Up Plan? Those Who've Been Keeping Up Already Know The Answer To This Question and Those Who Haven't Been Keeping Themselves Informed Wont Know. Humanity Has Reached a Critical Stage in This Battle For Freedom.

Over The Years We've Researched, Studied and Posted Tons of Information To The Public. The Galactic's Have Advised People Like Myself To Back Off and Allow People To Do Their Own Research and Figure Stuff Out For Themselves.

We've Put The Information Out Their For You Take Advantage of it and Use It. The Truth is Out There, But Its' Not Gonna Knock at Your Door.

How Many People Knew They Are Set To Vote To Take Away YOUR Sovereignty? Your Smart Phones Contain a World of Information That You Hold In The Pawn of Your Hand. You're In Control of What You Know and Don't Know.

My Website is Just ONE Of Thousands of Sites That Contain Everything You Need To Know About What's Going On. We've Done Our Job, Now Its' Up To The People To Keep Themselves in The Know. If They Take Away Your Rights, Your Sovereignty, Your Freedom You Wont Have To Worry About Knowing Anything, Because They'll Have Control Over YOU & EVERYTHING You Do.

Author: Sen-I

What does this mean?

It means they, the W.H.O. would have full AUTHORITY to intervene into the United States Government Policies WITHOUT our permission. Without OUR permission.

(Re-Read this again until you understand what this means).

Currently right now there are lockdowns in Shanghai, China where NO one can leave their homes. Doors and windows have been boarded up. (And if you are not aware of this, you certainly need to do your own research.)

What does this mean?

It means that the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) will have COMPLETE and total control AND authority of ALL U.S.A. Policy, again, without our permission!

Biden Administration released a list of 40 of the most powerful countries and some of the ones that are going along with this complete and total take over are:

Canada, EU, UK, and Australia. They are onboard with this.

What does this do? This takeover creates a complete and total Global Governance.

What do we need to do? The Senate/House Representative needs to tell this administration to DROP these amendments. We will NOT give our sovereignty over to the U.N.

This is THE biggest power grab in our lifetimes. If this goes through it will be in affect in November this year. Even when there’s an election in November, it will NOT matter who wins the elections because ALL power goes to the U.N. This is THE greatest attack AND takeover of this United States of America’s Sovereignty.

Final thoughts: There are 26 million people in China and China has complete control over their people. They CANNOT leave their homes. They are locked up and locked in their homes. Food is being rationed. Animals are being removed and bagged up in net type bags and deposed of. Better wakie, wakie. This has been hidden from you and me. And it is now starting to come out. Pay attention! Your freedoms will be taken away.

Author: Gnognosis

When Has FAKE Joe Biden Ever Looked This Exhausted Working FOR The People of America?

New Video from Ezra Miller's Arrest Shows Them Correcting Police on Pronoun Use: 'I'm Not a Sir' "I'm not a sir. I'm transgender nonbinary," Ezra Miller says in the video of their arrest, obtained by TMZ

I Mean No Disrespect But I'm Gonna Speak The Truth. These Are The Mind Controlled Demons That Are Coming After YOUR Kids. This Transgender Agenda or Binary B.S. is Being Purposely Fed Into Their Heads and Now They Are Pushing Their Made Up Genders Onto The Public and Onto The Children.

But Yall' Gotta Realize There Are BIGGER Fish Behind These Mind Controlled 'Whatever They Are' Pushing This Gender Confusion Crap Onto The Public. If Yall' Can't See The Mind Games That Are Being Played On You Then Your Kids Will Suffer For Your Ignorance.

There Are TWO Genders MALE/FEMALE. Anything Else is Made Up By These Sick Psychopaths Who Are Hiding Behind The Scenes Creating All of This Gender Confusion Crap Via Their 'Social Engineering' Programs. They've Been Doing This Crap For Years, Now In Their Last Ditch Effort They Are Throwing Their Crap in Your Face, Because Their End Goal is To Confuse Your Kids About Their Gender.

Like I Said Parents Who Don't See The Mind Games That's Being Played Their Kids Will Suffer For The Blind Ignorance. Be Whatever Gender You Want To Be, But Do Not Push Your Crap Onto The Public and Onto Children. It's Time For This Transgender Agenda Crap To Be Squashed and if They Are REAL These Mind Controlled Idiots Need Psychological Help, Because They've Been Programmed To Push This Crap.

Sorry For Ranting But This Needed To Be Said and There is No Sugar Coating The Ugly Truth About What's Really Going On Here.

Author Sen-I

Triggered students SCREAM when Senator says there are "two sexes"

Liberal Melts Down That His Transgender Nephew Can’t Play Women’s Basketball at Plano City Council. This is Just Plain Discussing. There are Two Sexes Male/Female. Boys Who Were Born Biologically Male Should NEVER Be Allowed To Compete and or Play On Girls Sport Teams Even After They've Transgendered into A Girl, They Are NOT Female No matter How Many Surgeries and Hormones They Take. Again This is About Making Children Confused About Their Gender.

The residents of Shanghai, where quarantine is now severe, are fleeing from their apartments by rope ladders.

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