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This is Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden. This Little Girl Is Hunter Biden's Niece, Joe Biden's Grand Daughter.. It Doesn't Take A Rocket Scientist To Figure Out What's Going On Here. Demons, Satanists Don't Have A Conscious, They Will Rape, Harm and Kill Their Own Family Members. Just Like Joe Biden Raped His Biological Son 'Hunter' and His Daughter, Hunter Has Moved On To Repeated The Cycle of Abuse.

Sexual Abuse Within Families is Another Issue That Needs To Be Dealt with ASAP. Parents Biological/Step Parents /Adults Raping Their Own Children Has Been Ongoing For Far Too Long and These Criminals Need To Be Dealt With.. There is No Rational Excuse When It Comes To The Physical/Sexual Abuse and Degradation of Children.

As Far as I Am Concerned ANY Parent/Adult Who Sexually Abuses Their Own Children or Any Child They Should Be Immediately Terminated, No Questions Asked. Once You Harm A Child You've Crossed The Line. The Psychological Damage Abusers Inflict On Their Victims is Often Times Irreversible and ANYONE Who Thinks its' ok To RAPE or Groom A Child To Become a Sexual Deviant, In My Opinion They Don't Belong Here, Plain and Simple.

Author: Sen-I

If You Understand The True Significance of The Border Wall You'll Know Why It Was Built To Register Sound at 432hz, Just Like A Gigantic Tuning Fork.

Globalism & The Projection of False Power. What's Behind The Totalitarian Theater & What Will Stop It? Click HERE To View.

Triggered students SCREAM when Senator says there are "two sexes" This is how bad the indoctrination factories we call universities have gotten. Schools and College Universities Do Nothing More Then 'PROGRAM' To Be Good, Obedient Slaves and They Indoctrinate Kids and Young Adults Of The Diabolical Cabal Agendas.

There Are 'TWO' Genders Male/Female Kids and Young Adults Who Identify with Any Other Gender Outside of Male/Female Was Either Groomed or Pre Programmed Through One Of The Cabals Many 'Social Engineering' Programs To Believe Whatever B.S. They Put Out There.

Believe This or Not Through Corrupt Western Medicine and Poisoned Food/Water Supply The Cabal Genetically Modify and Alter The Brain Patterns of Unborn Babies. Yall' MUST Start Expanding Your Ability To Think Beyond What You Consider 'Normal', Cause There is and NEVER Was Such a Thing as 'Normal' On This Planet. EVERYTHING is Purposely Rigged Against Humans On This Planet, They Can Even Pre Program The Minds of Unborn Babies.

Author: Sen-I

Black Lives Matter founder Patrisse Cullors Paid Her Baby's Father $970,000 For 'Creative Services', Her Brother $840,000 For Security, A Fellow Director $2.1m and Reimbursed The Organization $73,000 For A Charter Flight

Newly released tax filings revealed how Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors used charity funds to pay her friends and family large sums for various 'consulting' services.

My Commentary: Sadly This is What Happens When The Public Supports These Cabal Owned B.S. 'pop Up Over Night' Organizations and They No NOTHING About Why These Organizations Were Created. How Many People Know Black Lives Matter Was Created and Funded By White BILLIONAIRE Card Carrying Cabal Member 'George Soros'?

Black Lives Matter Was Created To Make People of The Black/Minority Communities Think and Believe They Have a Support System Fighting For Racial Equality and Their Rights, When In Fact They Are PAID Actors Playing Their Scripted Roles To Create a Staged Illusion of Unity.

Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA Was Created and Funded By Cabal Member George Soros. Besides Rioting, Destruction of Property, Injury and Death To Innocent People What Have Black Lives Matters and ANTIFA Done For YOU and YOUR Community? I'll Be Waiting For Your Answers.

Author: Sen-I

FLASH BACK: CNN Founder Ted Turner on Depopulation: "Not Doing It Will Be Catastrophic"

Hunter's handler/biz partner Eric Schwerin, the only person in their orbit with a 115+ IQ, handled everything for Hunter and paid Joe's bills. They even shared bank accounts with Joe. One big happy crime syndicate.

A Comprehensive List of Food Companies and Products That Use Senomyx (Used Aborted Babies) Click HERE To View.

Destroy Khazarian Mafia or Face Nuclear War Russia and China Tell Pentagon Click HERE To View

Delores Cannon Was One of The Greatest Galactic Educator's I've Known in This Life Time.

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