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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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This is Grotesque Album Cover Was Created For The 1960's UK Group 'The Beatles.' For Those Who Think Children Aree Not PREY On This Planet, This Grotesque Album Cover Says it All. They Are Proudly Displaying Child Sacrifice and Cannibalism.

Reptilian/Humanoid Shapeshifter In Process of Eating A Child.. Camera Crew Startles It and It Spits Out The Child Who Appears To Be In A Daze.

The Tartarians Were A Race of Highly Advanced Humanoid Giants That Existed in The 1700-1800's, Then They Mysteriously Disappeared and So Did All of Their Technology. Just Like ALL of Our History The Existence of The Tartarians Were Purposely ERASED By Those Who Did Not Want Us To Know The Truth of Their Existence.

This is How The Cabal ERASED Our True History and Created FAKE History Full of LIES. The Word 'History' Means 'His Story.'

A.I. Bots Will Replace Humans In Every Aspect.

Healthcare Employees and Whistleblowers Admit People Were and Still Are Being Murdered In Hospitals For Money. Click HERE To View.

The Harvesting of Adrenochrome 'Human Blood' From Children/Adults. Click HERE To View.

The Cabal Are Activating 'Super Soldiers.' What is a 'Super Soldier?' A 'Super Soldier' is a Human Who's Been Genetically Modified and Autonomously Enhanced With Robotic Parts, A.I., Brain Chips, etc. If You've Ever Watched The 1970-1980's TV Series 'The Six Million Dollar Man,' That is The Concept of a 'Super Soldier.'

The ONLY Difference Today They Control and Program The Minds of The People Create In Their Laboratories. Super Soldiers Can Be Programmed To Kill at A Moment's Notice. They Can Injure/Kill ONE To A Thousand People In One Command. Super Soldiers Can Lok and Act Like A Regular Person, BUT In an Instant They Can Be Activated and Turned Into Emotionless Assassins and They Are Extremely Strong and They Feel No Pain.

It is Believed The Cabal Are Activating The Their Army of Super Soldiers/Sleeper Cells and Unleashing Them Into The Public. ANYONE Can Secretly Be A Super Soldier and You Will Not Know Who They Are. This Womans Husband Was/Is A Super Soldier and She Had No Idea Until Recently He Was Fully Activated. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

Deceased Famed Satanist Alex Crowley Displaying The Same Satanic Hand/Arm Symbol.

This is Tele Evangelist Minister Joyce Meyer and Pastor Steven Furtic. Joyce Meyers is a Very Well Known 'Evangelical Minister.' She Preaches The Gospel In Her Gigantic Mega Church and She's Super Rich. I Don't Know Much About Steven Furtic, But I Do Know He is in Process of Transitioning into a Woman. Knowing The Cabal Switching His Gender Might Have Been Part of His Contract or It Might Be Time For Him To Produce A Sacrifice and He's Offering Himself as a Sacrifice.

Anywhooooo These Two Clowns Are Proudly Displaying The Satanic Cabal/Freemason/Skull & Bones Hand/Arm Symbol, Pledging Their Loyalty and Allegiance To The Cabal and Their True Satanic/Transgender GOD 'Moloch.'

I'll Say This Again 'You Can Not Become Rich and Famous On This Planet Unless You Sign Your SOUL Over To The Satanic Cabal.' The Cabal Own and Run The Entertainment Industry. These Actors Pretending To Be Ministers, Preachers are Paid To Preach ONLY What The Cabal Allow Them To Say. Sadly ALL Tele Evangelist Ministers Are Owned By The Cabal, Just Like Hollywood Celebrities.

From Gospel Singer Kirk Franklin To Bisho p Eddie Long, Joel Olstein, Cleflo Dollar, Bishop TD Jakes, You Name It They Are All FRAUDS and The Cabal Tell Them What To Preach To YOU. Like Any Other Celebrity Tele Evangelists MUST OBEY The Rules Displayed In Their Blood Signed Contracts. These FAKE Mega Ministers Are Worshipped By MILLIONS Upon Millions of People and The Public Has No Idea Who or What In Hell They Are Worshipping, Admiring and Financially Supporting.

Prepare Your Mind & Spirit, Because ALL Of These Phony Pastors/Ministers Are Being Arrested and Taken Into Custody For Committing Crimes Against Children and Humanity. 'ALL Religions Are Weapons of Mass Destruction.' These Arrests Will Include Many Pastors/Ministers Who Preach In Your Local Neighborhood Churches. They Too Have Committed Unthinkable Crimes and They Are Working with The Cabal. What Do I Always Say? 'The True GODS' You Seek Dwells Within YOU, Not Outside of YOU, It Is YOU.'

Author: Sen-I

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