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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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A Moment Of Silence For All Affected By These Continuous Horrific Events. In The Wake of All These Mass Shootings In America I Want People To Know The Cabal and Their Alien Over Lords are Hungry For Food, Desperate and They Are Grasping at Straws, In Hopes of Creating Total Chaos and Destruction. You Must View Every Mass Casualty Event From Here On as a Pre Planned Staged False Flag Event. These MEGA Pre Planned Staged False Flags are Designed To Create Emotions of Fear, Despair, Sadness, Depression etc. Among The American Public.

These Negative Alien Races and Their Cabal Minions Feed Off of Human Blood/Flesh and 'Negative Energies.' The Children/Adults They Kept Enslaved in Underground Bases Are Being Rescued By The Military, Their Food Supply is Being Rescued. Like The Modern Day Vampire Demons They Are, They Fed off of Those They Enslaved Underground and Now They Must Create A New Source of Food.

The Negative Energies Generated By Creating These Pre Planned, Staged False Flag Events Such as This Mass Shooting Will Create A Substance Known as Loosh, They Feed Off Of The Loosh The American Public Creates When They Are Scared, Sad, Depressed, Angry, In Despair etc.

There Are Two Types of Pre Planned, Staged False Flag Events. 1- They Set The Stage Where REAL People Are Injured or Murdered. 2- They Set The Stage Where They Hire 'Crisis Actors' To Play The Scripted Role of The Injured and Dead.

In These Mass Shootings In Most Cases The Gunmen is Usually Shot and Killed or They'll Claim He Suffers From Mental Illness and You Can't Get A Straight Answer From Him as To WHY He Did What He Did. Just The Other Day In One of My Posts I Mentioned How The Cabal Are Activating Their Pre Programmed, MK Ultra Mind Controlled Assassins and Super Soldiers. Lets' Not Forget Those Who Were Vaxxed with The COVID-19 BIOWEAPON That Posed as a Vaccine Can Also Be Tracked, Remotely Programmed and Then Activated. ALL Who've Been Vaxxed Are Transforming Into A New Species, They Are Known as The 'Transhuman Species.' In My Article I Mentioned How These Lost SOULS Can Be Pre Programmed and Activated at Any Moment, Anytime, Anywhere To Start and Complete The Mission They Were Pre Programmed To Do.

I Don't Yet Have All The Specifics of This Current Horrific Event, BUT This Event Reminds Me Of The Mass Shooting That Occurred at 'The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting.' Do Any of You Remember That Mass Shooting?

Well After Months of Research Myself and Many Other Researchers Had Reached The Conclusion That The Sandy Hook Mass Shooting Was A Pre Planned, Staged False Flag Event and No One Was Killed Except The Alleged Gunmen. 20 Children and 6 Teachers Were 'Supposedly' Murdered During The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting.

A Few Months After The Mass Shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School Later While Doing My Research I Ran Across A Video of The Football Superbowl Game That Took Place A Few Months After The Mass Shooting . During Half Time Singer 'Jennifer Hudson' Came Out and Sang The National Anthem With A Group of School Aged Children.

The Children Were Clearly Identified as The Children Who Supposedly Were Murdered During The Mass Shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. A Few Years Later I Located Current Pictures of The Kids Who Had Now Grown Into Their Teens. All Of My Detailed Information Regarding The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting is Posted On My Website.

The Sandyhook Elementary School Shooting Was A Very Elaborately Staged Event and it Cost Them Millions Upon Millions Of Dollars To Pull Off. They Actually Had To Buy Off/Pay Off an Entire Town of People. The School Where The Children and Teachers Were Allegedly Murdered Had Been Shut Down For Years, Before They Used it as a Prop in Their False Flag Event.

Hopefully This Recent Mass School Shooting is Yet Another Elaborately Staged Event Complete with Paid Crisis Actors and Not REAL Human Victims. Just Give Me Time, Trust Me I'll Figure It Out.

Remember We Are In The Midst of A War Unlike No Other War Ever Fought On Earth. Everything is Possible and Anything Can Most Likely Will Happen. Click HERE To View

Author: Sen-I

Jennifer Hudson Singing The National Anthem With The 'Deceased' Sandy Hook. The Little Boy Standing Right Behind Jennifer Hudson His Name is 'Kyle Rittenhouse.'

This is A Current Picture of Kyle Rittenhouse. He Was Used Once Again as a Prop In A Staged Event Where He Supposedly Murdered Two Men During A Riot In Kenosha, Wisconsin. When They Use The Same Crisis Actors in More Then One Pre Planned False Flag Staged Event I Refer To Them as 'Recycled Crisis Actors.' 9 Out of 10 Times Kyle Rittenhouse Was Groomed By The Cabal Since He Was A Child To Play Specific Roles in Their Staged Events. Click HERE To View.

These Are The Young Teenaged Girls Who Were Allegedly Murdered As Children In The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting That Occurred In December 0f 2012. This Picture Was Taken A Few Years Ago. They Are Probably Have Already or are Getting Ready To Graduate Highschool Now.

Video Of Singer Jennifer Hudson Singing The National Anthem With The Supposedly Deceased Children of The Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre.

These Are The Astronauts Who Were Supposedly Killed When The Space Shuttle Challenger Blew Up Soon After Take Off In 1986. No One Was Aboard The Space Shuttle Challenger When It Blew Up, That Too Was A Pre Planned False Flag Staged Event Designed To Traumatize The American Public. These People Were Paid or Forced Into Playing Their Scripted Role In This Staged Event That Caused Immense Emotional Trauma To Americans Who Saw The Shuttle Challenger Explode On Live TV. This is How Far The EVIL Cabal Will Go To Deceive, Manipulate and Cause Emotional Trauma To Innocent People. NEVER Forget 9/11 Was Also an Elaborate Pre Planned False Flag Staged Event and Thousands of People Were Injured and Murdered On That Fateful, Horrific Day. We're Dealing With Demonic Alien/Human Psychopaths.

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