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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

Straight From The Mouth Of A Cabal Mind Controlled Jack Ass and A Key Member of The World Economic Forum (W.E.F.): "COVID Is Critical Because This Is What Convinces People To Accept To Legitimize Total Biometric Surveillance."

Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna: "it's sad to say, I'm in the process of throwing 30 million doses in the garbage because nobody wants them. We have a big demand problem."

These Are The Freaks Who Are Coming After YOUR Kids.

Commander Valiant Thor From The Planet Venus.

Fertilizer Train Derailment In Canada 2 Days Ago. Farmers Need Fertilizer To Grow Their Crops.

The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) Treaty Is Tied to a Global Digital Passport and ID System. Click HERE To View.

SIRI Knows: One Thing About Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) It Tells The TRUTH.

Every Time You Take COVID Test They Are Collecting Your DNA. Swab DNA Collection And 5G Go Hand In Hand. Click HERE To View.

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