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How Smart Are You?

The Corona Virus PLANdemic SCAM/HOAX

1- Did You Know The Corona Virus is a Global Medical HOAX Forced Upon Humanity?

2- Did You Know Corona Virus Was Created To Scare People Into Getting Vaccinated?

3- Did You Know The COVID-19 Vaccines Are a BIOWEAPON?

4- Did You Know The COVID-19 BIOWEAPON Dubbed a Vaccine For The Corona Virus Was Designed To Annihilate/Murder Humans?

5- Did You Know The Deadly Ingredients In The BIOWEAPON Dubbed a Vaccine Are Designed To Kill People Within 0-3 Years After The 1st, 2nd Round Of Injections?

6- Did You Know They've Created a Booster Shot For Those Who've Taken The First Two Rounds of Injections?

7- Did You Know The BIOWEAPON Dubbed a Vaccine Was Designed To Alter Your Genetics/DNA?

8- Did You Know The BIOWEAPON Dubbed a Vaccine Has Already Permanently Severely Injured and Murdered Millions of People Throughout The World?

9- Did You Know Once You Are Vaccinated There Is No CURE?

10- Did You Know Once You Are Injected You Are Infected and You Become a Walking Talking BIOWEAPON. Your Body Can Shed and Spread The Ingredients of The BIOWEAPON To Anyone You Come In Contact With ie; Friends, Family, Co Workers, Strangers Pets etc.

11- Did You Know The FDA, CDC, NIH, BIG Pharma, Rogue Governments Throughout The World Are Playing an Active Part In The Ongoing Deliberate Genocide of Humanity?

12- Did You Know as an Incentive Doctors, Hospitals, Clinics Are Being Payed THOUSANDS of Dollars For Every Person They Inject with The BIOWEAPON Dubbed a Vaccine?

13- Did You Know Hospitals Are Paid THOUSANDS of Dollars For Every Person They Say Has Died From COVID-19/Corona Virus?

14- Did You Know? Many Hospitals Are Deliberately Murdering Patients and Labeling Their Deaths as COVID-19/Corona Virus Just To Obtain The Financial Reward?

15- Did You Know The Supreme Court Has Ruled Once You Are Vaccinated You Are No Longer Considered Part Of The Human Species?

16- Did You Know The BIOWEAPON Dubbed a Vaccine Was Designed To Alter/Change The Structure of Your Human Genetics/DNA Turning You Into A New Species?

17- Did You Know The Ingredients In The BIOWEAPON Dubbed a Vaccine Was Designed To Transforms You Into a Transhuman Being?

18- Did You Know a Transhuman Being is Viewed as a Mind Controlled Robotic Cyborg?

19- Did You Know Once You Are Vaccinated with The BIOWEAPON You Are Instantly Connected To 5G, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and Direct Energy Weapons (D.E.W.)

20- Did You Know Once You Are Vaccinated You Are Connected To 5G and A.I. You Can Be Physically/Emotionally Remotely Controlled Via Your Smart Phone?

21- Did You Know Once You Are Vaccinated You Are Tracked and Monitored 24/7?

Did You Know Once You Are Vaccinated The A.I. System Monitors ALL of Your Vital Stats and It Can Hear and See EVERYTHING You Experience Throughout Your Day/Night?

22- Did You Know Some Of The Side Effects of The Vaccine/Bioweapon Can Magnetize, Electrify and Make Your Body Glow Under Florescent Lighting?

23- Did You Know Those Who Refuse To Get Vaccinated Are Being Persecuted and Denied Their Basic Rights?

24- Did You Know In Australia and Canada The Un Vaccinated Are Being Rounded Up and Forced To Live In Isolation Camps?

25- Did You Know in Some Countries The Un Vaccinated Can't Leave Their Homes, Go To Church, Conduct Financial Business or Go To The Movies, Concerts etc?

26- Did You Know They Are Vaccinating Children Without Parents Consent?

27- Did You Know Thousands Upon Thousands of Children Have Died From These Poisoned Vaccine/Bioweapons?

28- Did You Know in Some Countries Those Who've Been Vaccinated Are Being Quarantined Because They Are A Health DANGER To Those Who Have Not Been Vaccinated.

29- Did You Know Once You're Injected Your Infected and You Can Spread The Poisonous Ingredients of The Vaccine Bioweapon Onto Others?

30- Did You Know ALL Government Officials and Any Agency Promoting This Deadly Vaccine Bioweapon Are Being Arrested and Charged With Committing Heinous Crimes Against Humanity. They Will Spend Life In Prison and or They Will Be Executed By The Military?

31- Did You Know The FDA, CDC, NIH, W.H.O. The UN etc. Are Being Sued For 300 Trillion Dollars For Committing The COVID-19 PLANdemic, The Biggest Global Medical HOAX Ever Perpetrated Against Humanity?

32- Did You Know China Created This Bioweaopon in The Wuhan Lab and Unleashed It Onto The World Populace?

33- Did You Know Fauci, The Obama, The Bush and The Biden Administration Worked With and Funded The Wuhan Lab?

34- Did You Know ALL of This and Much More Information Was and Still Is Freely Available To You If You Just Take The Time To Educate Yourselves By Doing a Little Research?

Mask and The PCR Test

1- Did You Know The Man Who Created The Swab PCR Test Clearly Stated The PCR Test Is Not Designed To Diagnose The Corona Virus?

2- Did You Know The Man Who Created The PCR Test Was Murdered Soon After He Publicly Made His Statement?

3- Did You Know The PCR Test is DANGEROUS Because The Swab is Inserted So Deep Into Your Nasal Cavity They Are Puncturing The Membrane That Protects The Brain?

4- Did You Know Swabs Used In PCR Test Are Purposely Laced With Live Nano Particles and Other Dangerous Microscopic Ingredients?

5- Did You Know Every Time You Submit To A PCR Test MILLIONS Of Live Nano Particles Are Being Released Into Your Brain and Your Body?

6- Did You Know Nano Particles Are Microscopic Computers That Are Pre Programmed or They Can Be Remotely Programmed.

7- Did You Know After You Take Your 1st PCR Test Your Body is Connected To Every 5G Tower and You Can Be Remotely Controlled via Your Smart Phone?

8- Did You Know Over 100,000 People Have Suffered Brain Bleeds, Severe Nose Bleeds, Become Severely Disabled and Died From Complications of The PCR Test?

9- Did You Know They Could 'SAFELY' Test For Any Virus By Simply Swabbing The Inside of Your Mouth?

10- Did You Know In Other Countries Including Here In The US Governments Are Forcing People To Get Tested For COVID-19 Once A Week Using The Deadly and Dangerous PCR Test Kit?

11- Did You Know Wearing A Face Mask For Long Periods Limits Your Oxygen Intake?

12- Did You Know Thousands of Children and Adults Have Died of Many Illnesses Because They Are Being Forced To Consistently Wear A Mask?

13- Did You Know Wearing A Mask Does Not Protect You From Catching Virus?

14- Cloth/Paper Mask Are NOT Designed To Protect People From Catching or Spreading Airborne Virus'?

15- Did You Know People Who Wear A Mask On A Regular Bases for Hours at a Time Are More Likely To Come Down with and Die of Bacterial Pneumonia?

16- Did You Know When You Wear A Mask For an Extended Period of Time You Risk Poisoning Your Body with Your Own Germs?

17- Did You Know When You Wear A Mask and You Sneeze, Cough, Spit etc. You Are Re Inhaling Your Own Germs?

18- Did You Know Wearing A Mask For Prolonged Period of Time Can Damage and Kill Your Brain

Cells, Which Eventually Can Causes Various Levels of Brain Damage and Cognitive Disabilities?

19- Did You Know Mask Wearing is Psychologically Damaging To Children and Adults?

20- Did You Know Governments Around The World Are Well Aware of The Damage Being Done By The PCR Test and Forced Mask Wearing?

21- Did You Know Governments Around The World are Suppressing This Vital Health Information?

22- Did You Know ALL of This and Much More Information Was and Still Is Freely Available To You If You Just Take The Time To Educate Yourselves By Doing a Little Research?

2020 US Presidential Election, Hollywood, The Royal Family and The Kennedy Family

1- Did You Know The 2020 US Election Was Hacked By China?

2- Did You Know That Joe Biden Was Paid By China To Help Them Take Over America?

3- Did You Know The Biological Joe Biden is Dead?

4- Did You Know Was Executed By The Military For Molesting and Raping Children?

5- Did You Know Joe Biden's Scripted Role is Being Played By Three Different People/Beings 1- Paid Actor, 2- A.I. Clone, 3 Army General?

6- Did You Know Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's Son Is A Child Rapist?

7- Did You Know Hunter Biden Received Money From China To Help Destroy America?

8- Did You Know That Vice President Kamala Harris Was Paid By China To Help Destroy America?

9- Did You Know Vice President Kamala Harris Is A Man and His REAL Name is Kamal?

10- Did You Know Former US President Barack Obama Was Executed By The Military In 2019?

11- Did You Know Michelle Obama Was A MAN And His Name Was Michael Lavaughn Robinson?

12- Did You Know Michael Lavaughn Robinson Was Executed By The Military in 2019?

13- Did You Know Former/Present Day President Donald J. Trump Was Asked By The Military To Work With Them To Help Take Down A Very POWERFUL System That Has Enslaved Humanity?

14- Did You Know Donald J. Trump's Role is To Help Save America From Communist Takeover By The Chinese Communist Party (C.C.P.)?

15- Did You Know John F. Kennedy Sr., JFK Jr. and More of The Kennedy Family Are Still Alive?

16- Did You Know JFK Jr. Is Working Behind The Scenes With The Military To Help Save America?

17- Did You Know The US 2020 Presidential Election Was A Total FRAUD and a SCAM?

18- Did You Know China and Several Other Countries Used High Technology To Interfere With The 2020 US Presidential Election?

19- Did You Know Donald J. Trump WON The 2020 Election By a Landslide?

20- Did You Know Donald J. Trump Is Still LEGALLY The President of The US?

21- Did You Know The King of Pop Michael Jackson is Alive and Working Behind The Scenes with Trump To Expose The Satanic Cult That Runs Hollywood?

22- Did You Know Princess Diana is Alive and is Working Behind The Scenes To Expose The Satanic Royal Family and Their Link To Pedophilia and The Murder of THOUSANDS of Babies and Children?

23- Did You Know ALL of This and Much More Information Was and Still Is Freely Available To You If You Just Take The Time To Educate Yourselves By Doing a Little Research?

Planetary War, Alien Rule/Take Over, The Cabal, New World Order and NAZI Regime

1- Did You Know Humanity is in a War and Fighting For The Survival of The Human Species?

2- Did You Know Several Alien Races OWN and Rule This Planet?

3- Did You Know World Governments Have Been Working Side By Side with Over 700 Different Alien Species Since The Early 1900's?

4- Did You Know World Governments Have Signed Treaties with Many Different Alien Species?

5- Did You Know 1% of The Population Known as 'The Elite Cabal' Sold Out Humanity To Work With These 'Negative' Alien Species?

6- Did You Know Whatever These Negative Alien Species Tell The Cabal To Do They Do?

7- Did You Know Alien Races Enslaved Humans On This Planet Over 500,000 Years Ago?

8- Did You Know To This Day Negative Alien Races View Earth as Their 'Slave Planet' Filled with Their Human Slaves?

9- Did You Know These Negative Alien Races Ordered 95% Of Humanity To Be Murdered Via Mass Global Genocide?

10- Did You Know If The Alien Genocide Agenda Succeeds Humanity Will Be The 85Th Species The Aliens Have Wiped Out ON This Planet?

11- Did You Know There Are Hundreds of Millions of Positive Alien Races In Battle For The Survival of Earth Humans?

12- Did You Know Right Now There is an Active Galactic, Earthly, Spiritual War Taking Place In Space, On Earth, In Underground Bases and In The Ocean?

13- Did You Know There Are Hundreds of Thousands of Galactic Ships Cloaked In The Skies (Less Then 300 Miles Above Our Heads)?

14- Did You Know Positive Alien Races Have Given Humanity All Sorts of Alien Based Technologies To Make Our Lives Easier.

15- Did You Know These Alien Technologies Could Painlessly CURE All Disease and Disabilities, Supply Humans with a Never Ending Flow of Free Energy etc?

16- Did You Know The Cabal Hid These Technologies From Humanity and Kept Them For Themselves?

17- Did You Know Governments In Some Countries Have Initiated The NAZI Based New World Order Regime?

18- Did You Know The New World Order Was Designed To Further Dehumanize and Enslave Humanity?

19- Did You Know Nikola Tesla Was Venusian and He Was Brought To Earth From The Planet Venus?

20- Did You Know Nikola Tesla's Mission Was To Provide Earth With FREE Energy?

21- Did You Know The Cabal By Order of Negative Aliens Murdered Nikola Tesla and Then Stole The Plans and Patents To His Inventions?

22- Did You Know ALL of This and Much More Information Was and Still Is Freely Available To You If You Just Take The Time To Educate Yourselves By Doing a Little Research?

Main Stream Media News

1- Did You Know Since The 1960's Your News Broadcasters Were Trained To LIE To The Public?

2- Did You Know The CIA Passed a LAW That Allows News Broadcasters To LIE, Create False Narratives and Withhold TRUTH?

3- Did You Know In The US News Broadcasters Are Paid For and Controlled By The Corrupt Portion of The CIA?

4- Did You Know The Corrupt Portion of The CIA Is Controlled By an Elite Satanic Group of People/Beings That Rule This Planet?

5- Did You Know The Satanic Group of People/Beings That Rule This Planet Will Do ANYTHING To Keep The Truth From The US Public Even Threaten, Silence and Murder Those Like Myself Who Are Brave Enough To Bring Forth The Truth?

6- Did You Know ALL of This and Much More Information Was and Still Is Freely Available To You If You Just Take The Time To Educate Yourselves By Doing a Little Research?

The Deliberate Systemic Poisoning of The Food, Air, Water Supply and Medicine

1- Did You Know The Cabal By Order of Negative Alien Races Have Been Poisoning Our Food and Water Supply Since The 1960's or Before?

2- Did You Know The Poisoning of The Food and Water Supply is Designed To Keep Human Slaves On This Planet Docile and Dumbed Down?

3- Did You Know Fluoride Placed In Water and Food Supply Toothpaste etc. Destroys Active Brain Cells?

4- Did You Know Since The 1980's They've Used Commercial Planes To Spray American Citizens and The Food Supply with Over 80 Different Toxins and Poisons, Including Lithium?

5- Do You Know What Chemtrails Are? (Look It Up).

6- Did You Know The Remains of Millions of Missing Children Are Placed Into Our Food/Water Supply?

7- Did You Know Pharmacueticle Drugs Are Created Using Witch Craft and Black Magic?

8- Did You Know The Cabal's Western Medical System Is Not About Healing, Curing Diseases, But Its' Meant To Keep People Sick and Needing More Poisoned Drugs?

9- Did You know The Entire Medical System Was Designed To Break Down The Human Body?

10- Did You Know Physicians Are Purposely Trained To Push BIG Pharma Drugs Instead of Natural Holistic Medicines?

11- Did You Know The Cabal Have Murdered Over 50 Holistic Doctors Because They Were Pushing Natural CURES For Many Diseases?

12- Did You Know The Cabal Murdered Dr. Sebi?

13- Did You Know Dr. Sebi Had Natural Herbal CURES For ALL Diseases Including Cancer?

14- Did You Know ALL of This and Much More Information Was and Still Is Freely Available To You If You Just Take The Time To Educate Yourselves By Doing a Little Research?

Miscellaneous Information

1- Did You Know The Cabal Created Are Responsible For Creating A Global Child Trafficking Network?

2- Did You Know Child Trafficking Is The Most Lucrative Business On This Planet?

3- Did You Know The Cabal Trade Humans To Alien Races In The Off Planet Slave Trade Business?

4- Did You Know Off Planet Various Alien Races Use Humans For Slave Labor, Food Source, Breeding and Experimental Purposes?

5- Did You Know Earth is Ruled Under A Satanic Cult Created By Negative Alien Species and Set Forth By The Cabal?

6- Did You Know The Cabal Make Up 1% Humanity and Yet They Rule and Control This Entire Planet?

7- Did You Know The Cabal Created and Control Every System We Live Under ie; Financial, Educational, Religion, Western Medicine etc.?

8- Did You Know EVERYTHING Is Rigged Against Humans On This Planet?

9- Did You Know Humanity Is In The Midst of A Great AWAKENING?

10- Did You Know This is Humanities ONE Chance To Break Free From Its' Enslavement On This Planet?

11- Did You Know EVERYTHING You Thought You Knew or Was Indoctrinated To Believe Is A LIE?

12- Did You Know The BIGGEST Part of Breaking Free From This Enslavement Means You Will Have To Forget Most EVERYTHING You Were Taught To Believe as True?

13- Did You Know If You Want To Protect Yourselves and Families and Survive This Planetary War You MUST Take On The Responsibility of Re Educating Yourselves and Your Families?

14- Did You Know In This War What You Choose To Blindly Ignore Will Get You and Your Families Seriously Injured or Killed?

15- Did You Know in This Planetary War What You Know Will Save Your Life and What You Don't Know Will Most Likely Get You Injured or Killed?

16- Did You Know The Word COVID Stands For (C)ertificate (O)f (V)accination (ID)entification

17- Did You Know The Cabal Are Paying Farmers To Destroy Their Crops and Live Stock To Create and Stage A Man Made Food Shortage Here in America?

18- Did You Know Right Now There Are Many Different Military Ops Happening Around The World?

19- Did You Know The Worlds Militaries Are Rescuing Millions Upon Millions of Babies, Children and Adults From Underground Bases Where They Were Trafficked, Help Prisoner and Used as Sex Slaves, For Experimental/Breeding Purposes and as a Food Source For The Satanic Cabal and Alien Races That Eat Human Flesh?

20- Did You Know Many Hollywood Celebrities and Famous People You Thought Were Dead Are Alive and Well and In Protective Custody?

21- Did You Know Many Celebrities and Noteable People You Thought Were Dead Are Working Behind The Scenes With Trump and The Military To Bring Down The Satanic Cabal System That Has Enslaved Humanity For Over 500,000 Years?

22- Did You Know People Like Myself Are Viewed as Enemies of Our Country We Go Against The False Narrative The Government Pushes Upon Its' People?

23- Did You Know There Are Millions of People Like Myself Who Have Dedicated Our Time and Risked Our Lives To Bring Forth The Truth?

24- Did You Know Throughout Decades Thousands Upon Thousand of People Like Myself Have Been Silenced, Abandoned By Friends/Family Had Our Lives Ruined and Were Murdered Because We Dare Go Against The Narrative and Against The Odds We Were Brave Enough To Speak Truth.

25- Did You Know Michael Jackson, Tupac Shakur, Marilyn Monroe, Robert Kennedy Jr., Robert Kennedy Sr., Prince and Many Other Celebrities Are ALIVE?

25- Did You Know ALL of This and Much More Information Was and Still Is Freely Available To You If You Just Take The Time To Educate Yourselves By Doing a Little Research?

My Closing Thoughts: What I Find Most Disturbing is How The Bulk of The American Public Reacted Out of Fear and Allowed Themselves To Be Injected with A BIOWEAPON That Was Not Approved By The FDA and It Was Masked as a Vaccine For COVID-19 Virus. The COVID-19 Virus That Does Not Exist, Because This Mystery Virus Was NEVER Identified or Isolated.

This Bioweapon Has NOTHING To Do With Protecting People From Any Virus, Its' Being Used To Alter Human DNA and Damage The Immune System. The Ingredients In The Vaccine Bioweapon is Not Fit To Be Injected Into Animals Let Alone Humans.

Millions of People Have Died From Being Injected with Poison and Still Today People Are Lining Up In Droves To Get Vaxxed and They Have No Idea of The True Intent of The False Vaccine Bioweapons. They Have No Idea This is A Genocidal Agenda Being Fulfilled and The Sheep Are Helping The Cabal Murder Them and Their Children. Wow.....................

Author: Susan B. Blocker aka Sen-I

Click The Link Below To If You Want Too Start Educating Yourself and Reprogramming Your Mind To The TRUTH About What's Really Going On, On This Planet.

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