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As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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This is A Direct Energy Weapon (D.E.W.) This is The Weapon The Cabal Use To Target and Burn Down Homes, Businesses, Forests, Neighborhoods. They Also Use This To Murder People/Animals. This is Just ONE of The Cabal's Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Direct Energy Weapon In Use.

The U.S. Is Not The ONLY Country That Has and Uses Direct Energy Weapons Against Their Own People. There Are Several Countries Who Have and Use D.E.W.'s

These Are The Planes Used To Spray Poisons and Toxins On People In The U.S. and In Many Other Countries. For Further Details Look Up 'Chemtrails.'

Ancient Aliens Season 13 Episode 13 - Artificial Human Click HERE To View.

An Investigation Into Sexual Abuse In The French Catholic Church Has Found That An Estimated 216,000 Children Were Victims of Abuse By Church Clergy.

Satanist Klaus Schwab Founder of The World Economic Forum Suggests That Implanting Chips Into The Human Brain Will Be A Good Thing.

This Video is 10 Years Old and Has Never Been More Relevant Than It Is Today

• The power of the banks

• Control through TV

• Vaccinations

• Eugenics

• Sleeping sheep

• The Spiritual Development and How It Is Prevented as The Actual Solution!

Only Those Who've Done Their Research Know Why Trump Antagonizes Pope Francis and Why He Rudely Snubs Queen Elizabeth. Hey, 'When You Know, You Know.' (Smile)

Whistleblower: FDA and CDC both know, but won’t admit, that 90% of covid patient hospitalizations are the fully vaccinated

Out of concern for the safety of her patients, Deborah Conrad, a physician’s assistant, reportedly convinced the hospital where she works to start carefully tracking the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” status of every patient admitted. What was discovered as a result is that upwards of 90 percent of all new hospital admissions for “covid” are occurring in “fully vaccinated” people.

The area where Conrad works is about 50 percent vaccinated for the Fauci Flu, and yet nine out of every 10 new patients at her hospital are sick, and in some cases dying, despite having gotten jabbed in obedience to the government.

Many of these sick and dying patients are young people who, prior to getting jabbed, were perfectly healthy. Now they have heart problems, blood clots and other health damage that will likely track them for the rest of their lives.

Conrad was so horrified by this revelation that she attempted to reach out to health authorities at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), only to be ignored by both of them.

Conrad’s hospital employer also barred her from filing reports into VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) even after being asked to do so by doctors who work there. (RELATED: Read this to learn more about how the FDA and the CDC have been lying about covid numbers to push their plandemic agenda.)

“That the CDC and FDA failed to respond is arguably not surprising – they have been cheerleading this vaccine for months,” wrote Aaron Siri on his Injecting Freedom Substack blog. “Admitting almost any harm now would be akin to asking them to turn a gun on themselves.”

Hospitals are overflowing with fully vaccinated patients while the unvaccinated remain healthy.

A Sign For Those Who Are In The Know.

Benjamin Fulford June Intel Massive Intelligence Update! Click HERE To View

9th Circle Elite Satanists Child Sex Sacrifice Cult Rule Europe - and engage in child trafficking, put on “human hunts” where kidnapped/drugged children were stripped naked, raped, tortured, hunted down by horseback in the woods, and killed ritually by nobility and their guests (who drink their victim’s blood). These powerful few also turned to cannibalism and ate parts of their “offerings” to the demonic deity they revere. Witnesses who survived came before the Brussels International Common Law Court of Justice in 2014. 5 judges/27 jury members weighed the evidence.

Witnesses stated child sacrifices occurred regularly in the Vatican, catacombs of Catholic cathedrals, private estates, groves and gov military bases in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Australia, Ireland, France, England and United States. The children came from detention centers in Belgium/Holland, according to a former member of Octopus (Netherlands criminal drug cartel).

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