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Break Down of The Satan's Club After School Program. The Cabal Are Trying Desperately To Groom This Generation of Children To Be Sexually Perverted Satanic Mind Controlled Slaves.

This is Scary and It Makes One Wonder What They Are Cape able of Doing.

Oh Well This Mom Gets No Sympathy From Me. It Was Her Choice To ALLOW Her Son To Look and Act Like A Freak. His Freakish Transgender Clothes, Makeup and Appearance Attracted Just What His Mother Allowed Him To Put Forth To The Public. I Have Pity For The Child But NOT The Parents or Any Adults Who Sat Back and Watched and Allowed This Child Become a Targeted Transgender Freak. This Kid Was Most Likely Groomed From Childhood To Play The Role of a Transgendered Boy and To Present Himself in The Like. Today Desmond is About 13-14 Years Old, I Often Wonder What His Life is Like In 2022. I Remember When Desmond First Appeared In The Gay Pride Parade Several Years Ago All I Could Do Was Shake My Head in Anger and Discuss.

Supermarkets in Latvia are already promoting a diet based on eating insects. Before you buy anything these days, be sure to read the label, otherwise you might eat arthropods without even knowing it.


The award for the distraction couple of the year goes to Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. Keep in mind that all the world's a stage. They don't call them actors for nothing.

Monkey Pox & Hepatitis Cover Up For Vaccine Induced AIDS. Vaxxed Pregnant Women Are Losing Their Unborn Babies. Click HERE To View.

Former DARPA director and now Google executive, Regina Dugan, wants you to swallow ID Microchips. She goes on to explain how the microchip works once inside the body. The pill has a small chip inside of it with a switch, when you swallow it, the acids in your stomach serve as the electrolyte and that powers it up. And the switch goes on and off and creates an 18 bit ECG wide signal in your body and essentially your entire body becomes your authentication token. Just FYI this video is from 2012, so you can imagine the tech they already have.

Nancy Pelosi's Son Accused Of Physical Assault of A 6-Year Old Before He Used CPS To Get The Girl Taken From Her Mother. Click HERE To View.

Meghan Walsh The Daughter of John Walsh The Father of Missing and Now Deceased Son Adam Walsh Says Her Father is Not Who The Public Thinks He Is. John Walsh Has Used CPS/DCF To Unlawfully Remove All of Her Children, This Includes Meghan Walsh's 5 Day Old Newborn Baby Born June 2022.

The Way I See Things These Rich & Powerful Satanic Low Life Pieces of Shit Have Weaponized The Already Corrupt CPS System and Are Using The System To DESTROY Families. They Don't Give A Fuck About The Well Being of The Kids That Come Through Their System or The Parents. CPS in My Opinion is Nothing More Then A Cover Up For Global Child Trafficking Ring Ran By Elite Satanist Who Prey and Feed Off Of The Energy of The Children They Steal.

To Listen To Meghan Walsh's Story. Click HERE To View. To View The LIVE Video of The Sherrif Removing Her 5 Day Old Baby From Her Care Click HERE To View.

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