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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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The Pictures Below Were Shared By Several People Who Were Recently Vaxxed With The BIOWEAPON Posing as COVID-19 Vaccines/Boosters.

YES, There is Such A Disease Called 'Monkey Pox,' Since its' Arrival In The Democratic Republic of Congo In The 1970's Based On My Own Research Monkey Pox Has Infected Less Then 1,000 People In The Regions of Africa and Other Countries. Monkey Pox Mainly Affects Children and Young Adults and is Non-Life Threatening.

This New Wave of 'Monkey Pox' Now Hitting The UK and The US Are Symptoms of AIDS Brought On By The BIOWEAPON Posing as The COVID-19 Vaccine/Boosters. Corrupt Western Medicine is Using 'Monkey Pox' as A Cover Up To Hide The Truth That Once Again They Used The Public as Live Guinea Pigs and Injected and Infected Them With Various Strains of The AIDS Virus. Some People Are Now Showing Various Symptoms of The Advanced Stages of AIDS, Which Includes Rashes That Appear On The Body.

Anyone Who Was Injected With The BIOWEAPON Was Purposely Injected and Infected with AIDS. AIDS and Other Viruses Placed In The BIOWEAPON Can Be Remotely Activated at any Time and The Infected Person Will Experience The Various Symptoms of The Diseases They've Been Injected and Infected with.

Author: Sen-I

Live Video Footage of Aliens Abducting Something or Someone Then Lifting and Transporting Them Aboard Their Ship.

Babies Who Are Nursing Are Getting Sick From Vaccinated Mothers Milk. Baby Die-Off: Lactation Issues, Miscarriages, and Neonatal Death

- Babies who are nursing are getting sick from vaccinated mothers, and at least one has died.

- Out of the 270 women who got pregnant in the Pfizer trials, 236 of the participants' records disappeared, but out of the 34 women who remained, 28 of their babies died.

- In Scotland, twice the number of babies died. In Ontario, Canada, 86 babies died (the average is five or six per year), and deaths among vaccinated mothers are up 34% in Israel.

Dr. Naomi Wolf: "[This] should be making news; it's the biggest news there is."

With The Announcement of 'Monkey Pox' and The Different Made Up Variants of COVID-19 Strands Mask Madness Is Trying To Make A Comeback. CDC backtracks! Agency DROPS advice for travelers to wear face masks to protect themselves against monkeypox after less than 24 hours. Don't Comply and it Will All Go Away. Click HERE To View.

Those Who've Been Jabbed With The BIOWEAPON Posing as The COVID-19 Vaccine and Boosters Are About To Get A Rude Awakening and They Are Gonna Be Pissed. Click HERE To View.

The Origins of The Satanic Georgia Guidestones Click HERE To View.

Like Him or NOT M.J. Spoke the TRUTH Through His Music The DEMONS Who Think T hey Run This Planet Could Not Handle Hearing TRUTH or Worse They FEARED The Influence Michael Had Through The Words of His Music. Many Artists Speak the Blatant TRUTH Through The Words of Their Songs, People Just Need Teach Themselves How To LISTEN and Not Just HEAR The Words.

New Taco Bell Drive Through.

FYI This is a 10 Week Old Baby Not A Clump Of Cells As They Would Have You Believe. VACCINATING PREGNANT WOMEN IS ABSOLUTE MADNESS! They know they The vaccine Bioweapon kills unborn babies! Keep these vaccines away from pregnant women and babies.

A Conversation With A.I. Bot Sophia Click HERE To View.

No Birth Certificates Means These People Did Not Exist and That Means There Are No Death Certificates and Their Memorials and Funerals are FAKE and Staged. Click HERE To View.

In Quebec, Canada, They're Already Being Jabbed Against Monkeypox. Stay Away From ALL Vaccines The Cabals Diabolical Transhuman/Genocide Agenda Has Not Changed, Its' Just Been Speeded Up.

Moderna Says Their New Version of Their COVID-19 Vaccine Will Be 8x Stronger and Will Last Longer. Stay Away From ALL Vaccines..

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