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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Jun 13, 2022

SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

Based on VAERS Data for Children Aged 5 to 15 Injected with COVID-19 Shots, Will 1 Million Babies be Injured and Killed in the First Year if Authorized for 6 Months to 5 Year Olds? - Vaccine Impact

The FDA and CDC will consider injecting babies and infants between the ages of 6 months and 5 years old. Click HERE To View.

Any Questions? Click HERE To View.

"Microsoft files a patent to bring back dead loved ones as AI "chatbots" from their digital harvested data, having seemingly learned nothing from Black Mirror." To See The Patent Source Click HERE To View.

Live Portal Being Transported. Anyone Who Steps Into This Portal Will Be Transported To Another Planet, Dimension, Reality, Star System.

Galactic's Lifting Something or Someone Onto Their Ship.

Anyone Who Thinks This is ok, Needs To Be Back Slapped Into Another Century. Any Adult Corrupting The Minds of Children and Promoting This Sick Shit To Children Should Be Removed Off of This Planet ASAP and That Includes The Parents/Relatives of Said Minors. Children Are Presently Being Groomed Right Before Your Eyes To Become Perverted, Trans/Non Gendered Sexual Freaks. What Screws With My Mind is How The General Public Think This ok Behavior For Child.

I Don't Know Where The Fuck Yall Perverted Trans/Non Gendered Freaks Come From 9 Out of 10 Times Yall' Too Were Groomed, Mind Screwed and Created By The Satanic Cabal. Whoever You Are, Wherever You Come Yall' Better Get The Fuck Up Out of Here.

When The People Realize What You Are Doing To Their Children It Might Be Too Late For Yall To Run and Seek Cover, Because The Angry Public Will Hunt You Down. Be The Fuck Who You Want To Be, But Stay The Fuck Away From The Children or You Will Deal with The Consequences.

Author: Sen-I

DO NOT LET THESE MATRIX COMPANIES & THEIR AGENDAS DUMB YOU DOWN! It’s NOT hard to outsmart them with their own logic. Do not hold any lower frequency emotions towards anyone. Simply point out the hypocrisy without spewing any intense emotions. There are lots of NPC’s & soulless avatars running around in the matrix. It serves no good to engage with them. ❌☠️❌

Please Explain To Me How This Represents 'PRIDE?' All I See is A Transgender Freak Twerking and Turning Up His Naked Dirty Ass For The Public To Kiss. This is Pure Demonism Hiding Behind The Auspice of 'Gay Pride.' I've Been Talking About This Whole LGBTQ Movement For Decades Now, I've Known For A Very Long Time There is A lot More Behind The Uprising of The LGBTQ Movement Since Its' Full Infiltration By The Satanic Cabal. This Has NOTHING To Do with 'PRIDE' Its' About The Promotion of Sexual Deviancy and Grooming Children To Be Sexual Perverts. Sorry For Those Who Can't See The TRUTH, But Its' As Clear As Day Light.

Author: Sen-I

The Latest Fad Seems To Be The Demoralization of Children and How Adults Are Allowing Children To Enter and Perform and Accept Money In Gay Bars and Night Clubs. The Adults Make Up The Audience and They See NOTHING Wrong With Children Performing In Gay Bars/Night Clubs. What Night Club Owner Allows Children To Enter and Perform In His Business Establishment? When Did The Demoralization And Preying On Children Become LEGAL?

This is Desmond His Mother and Whoever Else Works Behind Her Has Been Grooming, Pimping and Parading Desmond Around For Years. They've Used and Abused This Kid Like He's Some Gay Pride MASCOT. Now His Mother is Bitching Because Transgender Freaks Who PREY On Children Have Their Eyes OPEN Wide For Her Desmond. When Parents Pimp Their Kids Out To Groups That Pride Themselves On Being Sexually Perverted, This is What Could Happen In The Long Run. My Pity and Concern Goes For Desmond, as Far as His Mother Goes, She Now Has To Suffer The Consequences and Watch Her Son Suffer The Consequences of The Decisions She Made On Her His Behalf.

Author: Sen-I

The Human Genome Has Been Poisoned; 1.25 billion women are carriers of a genetic mutation from the mRNA shots

Dr. Nagase: “This is the magnitude of evil we are dealing with”

The ‘silent gene mutations’ will affect the next generation’s fertility

1.25 billion women of child bearing age have been injected. They are carriers of mutations of the egg cell line.

They carry silent DNA which will only be seen in the next generation.

Data coming from fertility clinics: Whats going on here?

The sperm of injected men does not swim, the eggs of women do not grow into embryos

We’re already seeing a 80% miscarriages rate of women injected in the first trimester

Miscarriages up by 700-800%

79% increase in fetal malformations

And this is the tip of the iceberg

We are living through a sterilisation programme; what’s going to happen when these young women realise they can’t have a baby?

Under the Age of 40? Time to Get Your Heart Checked: The Normalization of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)


Young woman who went to gym and walked 10,000 steps a day dies suddenly in sleep

College lacrosse player from Long Island dead at 19

New bride, 30, who was found dead in a tanning salon cubicle in Swansea after collapsing with a suspected heart problem

Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome - as doctors seek answers through a new national register

- From within the above article: "People aged under 40 are being urged to have their hearts checked because they may potentially be at risk of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome."

There is No Pandemic and There NEVER Was A Pandemic. Humanity Has Been GASLIGHTED By The Satanic Cabal For Two Years and Counting.

Special Message: If Any of Your Children, Family Members or Friends Have Been Vaxxed with The BIOWEAPON Posing as Covid-19 Vaccine/Boosters You Need To Prepare Yourselves Emotionally & Spiritually For The Possibility of Their Sudden Death.

I Briefly Discussed This Topic In 2021 In Hopes of Preparing People For This Horrific Time. Throughout The World Billions of People Who've Been Vaxxed with The Poisonous, Deadly BIOWEAPON and Boosters Are Becoming Severely, Ill, Permanently Disabled and Dying By The Thousands Every Day.

The Center For Disease Control (C.D.C.) Is Referring To This Mass Die Off Of The Human Population as 'Sudden Adult Death Syndrome' (S.A.D.S.) However There Has Also Been a Dramatic Increase In Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (S.I.D.S.) Babies Who Are Being Breast Fed By Their Mom's Who've Been Vaxxed Are Dying and There's Been an 800% Increase In Miscarriages Among Pregnant Women Who Were Vaxxed During Their Pregnancy.

They Can Call This Whatever They Want, However This is Mass Genocide In Full Progress as a Result of a Live BIOWEAPON Purposely Injected Into The Bodies of Human Sheep Who Literally and Sadly Lead Themselves To Their Own Slaughter.

Main Stream Media News Outlets Continue To Hide The Truth and Lie To The American Public About What's Taking Place. Every Teen, Young/Older Adult Has A Right To Know The Truth of What's Been Done To Them and What Outcome To Expect.

Waiting For Your Local M.S.M. News Stations To Expose The Truth Has Not Yet Happened and Most Likely Won't Happen Any Time Soon Therefore its' Up To The Friends and Family Members Of Those Who've Been Vaxxed To Bring Forth The Truth to Those Who've Been Vaxxed If/When They Feel The Time is Appropriate.

As Painful as This Might Be, Those Who've Been Vaxxed Have A RIGHT To Know The Truth and The Possible Death/Life Long Consequences. Detailed Information On This Topic Has Been Posted On My Website. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

Dear Parents: You, Not the State, Are Responsible for the Health of Your Child Dr. Robert Malone: "If you make a choice for your child to be vaccinated, and they draw the short straw ... you're gonna have to live with that, you're gonna have to bear the cost, and you're gonna have to know in your mind, for the rest of your natural life, that you allowed your child to take that risk and incur that damage."

Do You Have Shingles or HIV? Pfizer & Friends Just Happen to Have the Solution for You

Greg Hunter: "So they are marketing to people with diseases that they knowingly caused?"

Dr. Ryan Cole: "In my opinion, yes."

- A Moderna study confirms an uptick in shingles. What do these companies do? Create a shingles solution.

- Pfizer jab gets emergency use authorization for children. What do they do? Buy a heart treatment company.

"They knew in advance all these harms. You can look back at years of mRNA trials and animals and the reason we haven't done this on a large scale before is because they never worked. There were too many adverse effects over time to where it wasn't safe enough to bring forward to humanity."

Naomi Wolf: 3,816 Babies Have Died After Mothers Received Covid Shots:

57% of ALL NEONATAL DEATHS After Vaccination were due to the Covid Shots:

According to VAERS, 57% of all the vaccinations that resulted in a baby or fetus dying in the past 25 years or so occurred when pregnant women started receiving COVID-19 vaccines.

For women vaccinated between December 2020 and March 2022, VAERS reports that of the 3,816 ( pregnant women whose babies died after COVID-19 vaccination,

The Baby Food Shortage Here In America is The Result of Biden Shipping Our Baby Food Supply To Ukraine

The Military Will Has Taken Over America, Its' The ONLY Way.

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