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ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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Humans Are The Co Creator's of RealIty

EVERY Human On This Planet is The Co Creator of This Reality. The Negative Alien Races Who Contributed Their Genetics To Create The Human Hybrid Species Purposely Kept Your Gaalactic Heritage Hidden From You. They Stole Your Galactic Abilities/Powers and Then They Used Your Galactic Abilities and Powers As A Weapon Against You To Keep You Enslaved Under Their Rule and Control.

For Many Centuries These Negative Alien Races Have Taken Over and Destroyed Many Civilizations and Planets Throughout The Galaxy with No Remorse. When They Created The Human Species They NEVER Imagined Humans Would Inherit Many Abilities and Powers They Do Not Have. The Ability To CREATE Reality Through The Power of THOUGHT Is One Major Ability They Do Not Have, But Humans Have That Ability and They Hate Humans You Can Do What They Can Not Do.

Contributing Their Genetic DNA, Over 23+ Negative/Positive Alien Races Created The Human Species. As With All Their Genetic Creations They Are Well Aware of How The Human Brain Works. The Negative Aliens Know How To Alter, Manipulate The Human Mind and They Harvest and Feed off of The Energy Humans Create as an Individual or Collective Unit.

EVERYTHING Is Made Up of 'FREQUENCY and ENERGY' and That Includes YOU. Your Physical Body Houses Your Energy/Frequency. Energy/Frequency is Eternal, It NEVER Dies. NOTHING Exist or Can Be Created Without Energy/Frequency. NOTHING Exist Outside of You Until You Create It Individually or it is Created as a Collective Unit.

ALL Humans are Hybrid Alien Beings and Your Galactic Abilities Stretch Far Beyond Imagination. Keeping Your Abilities and Powers A SECRET is/was Part of Your Enslavement On ThisPlanet.. Revealing Just How POWERFUL You Are Means Those Who Enslave You Can Not Rule or CONTROL You.

They Need To CONTROL YOU In Order To Use Your CREATIVE Abilities To Promote Their Agendas That Do Not Benefit You. They Harness Your Creative Abilities To Continuously CREATE The Destructive, Depressive, Harmful, Deadly Reality They've Kept Humans Enslaved For Eons. Controlling and Enslaving Civilizations Keeps Their Ego Empowered.

Some People Might Not Understand What I Am Saying Until They've Reached That Certain Point In Their Process of AWAKENING, Non The Less I am Being Guided To Share This Information with You at This Time.

Your Ability To Manifest and Create Reality Stems From Your Power of 'Thought & Belief.' Its' Quite Simple.

1- They Implant A Thought Into Your Mind.

2- You Genuinely Believe The Thought They've Implanted Into Your Mind.

3- You Create/Manifest That Thought Into Your Reality.

The COVID-19 PLANdemic is ONE Perfect Example of How as a Collective Unit People From All Around The World Manifested and Brought Into Reality a Virus That Did Not Exist, Simply Because They Genuinely BELIEVED The Untrue Thought That Was Implanted Into Their Minds By The Alien Species Who Through Various Mind Control Techniques Enslave and Rule The Human Population On This Planet.

Humans Can Break Free, BUT They 1st MUST Learn How To THINK Beyond What They See and What They Are Told and For Many This Might Be A Tedious Task, Because Life Long Indoctrinations and Habits Can Be Difficult To Break Away From. Many Humans Are Afraid To Venture Outside The Box Brcause its' More Comfortable To Stick With What is Familiar, Safe and Comfortable.

Sadly We've Reached A Point Where A Choice To Remain Safe, Comfortable Un Involved and Un Informed Can Have Serious and or Deadly Consequences. Those Who Continue To Remain Un Aware of The Mind Game That is Being Played On Humanity Will Allow These Negative Alien Species To Continuously Harvest Their CREATIVE Energy To Manifest The Prison They Are Enslaved In.

Critical Thinkers Are Very Difficult To Control Because We Are Constantly Breaking Down and Seeing Through The False Thoughts and Narratives They Implant Into The Minds of The Collective Consciousness.

Myself and Many Other Galactic Humans Who Incarnated On Earth at This Time Incarnated with The Gift of Seeing Through The Nonsense That is Being Peddled On A Daily Basis. We're Here To Remove The B.S. and Expose The Truth to Help Humanity Rise Up, Reclaim Their Power, Galactic Abilities, So They Can Create and Manifest The Lives They Want To Live.

EVERYTHING Is Made Up of Frequency/Energy and NOTHING Exist Outside of YOU Until You Use Your Power of THOUGHT and Your Ability To MANIFEST That THOUGHT Into Your Reality. Example: "That Chair You Are Sitting On Wasn't There Until You THOUGHT About Sitting In That Chair.' Watch The Movie The MATRIX and it Will Explain In Detail What I Am Trying To Explain..

THOUGHT = BELIEF = CREATION/MANIFESTATION of (Implanted) THOUGHT. ALL Of You Are The Co Creators of Most EVERYTHING That Exist Good, Bad, Indifferent In Physical Form In This Reality On This Planet. 'The True Gods You Seek Dwells Within YOU, Not Outside of You, It Is YOU.' In This Battle For Freedom 'No One is Coming To Save You Because YOU Are Your Own Saviors.' Collectively, Individually YOU Are The Co Creators of Whatever Reality You Choose To Manifest and Exist In On This Planet.

Just Look at All The People Who Are Now Lining Up To Get Vaxxed For The Monkey Pox Virus. Just Like They Did with COVID-19 They Are Now Implanting The Thought of The Existence of The Monkey Pox Virus. As A Collective Unit Once Again Many People Have Chosen To Blindly Believe Another False Narrative That is Being Pushed By The Negative Aliens Who Have Enslaved Their Minds, Body and Spirit.

Sounds Crazy, Unbelievable and Confusing as Hell, I Know, But During Your AWAKENING Process Once You Reach That Level of 'KNOWING' The Pieces of The Puzzle Will Easily Come Together and Fall Into Place. Come Just Remember What You Choose To Blindly BELIEVE Without Question Could Affect Your Life if You Manifest It Into Your Reality, Because You Are The Co Creator's of Reality On This Planet.

Author: Sen-I

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