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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power.... ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched. As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- Suspicions The Tests May Be The Vaccine! - How Do You Get Millions of People Who Are Afraid To Get Injected With The COVID-19 Vaccine To Comply? You Place The Poisons In The Test For COVID-19. - Click HERE To View

2- Aliens Were Captured In The 1947 UFO Crash at Rosswell - Click HERE To View.

3- Social Distancing is Not "Normal" and it Can Be Emotionally Harmful To Humans - Humans Need Social Interaction. "Social Distancing" is Nothing More Then The Cabal/Bill Gates Pre Programming Humans For Their Diabolical Nazi Based Trans Human Agenda. Destroying The Human Spirit and De Humanizing Humans is Part of Their B.S. Game.

The Puppet Controlled Governors and Mayors That Run Each State are Controlled By The Cabal. The Cabal Tell Them How To Treat The People That Live in Their States. The Governors and Mayors Who Are Not As Controlled or are Tired of The Fake Plandemic B.S. Are The Ones Opening Their States Back Up. The Ones Who Are Holding Onto Lock Downs, Social Distancing, Mask Wearing and All The Other Draconian Nazi Based B.S. Control Tactics Are The Cabal Lackeys.

In Case The American Public is Un Aware of What's Going On 'Trump is EXPOSING The Satanic Cabal.' He Wants The Public To See The 'Hidden ENEMY.' This Way When The Cabal Puppets Are Arrested and or Are Executed The Public Will Understand WHY. - Click HERE To View.

4- Do You Believe Us Now? - Years Ago I Posted This Video of These Two Children Who Are Brother and Sister. They Explained In Vivid Detail Their Horrific Experiences at The Hands of Their Father Who Practiced Satanic Ritual Sexual Abuse. They Also Explained In Gory Detail How Their Father Forced Them To Watch and Participate as He and His Satanic Cult Members Tortured and Murdered Babies and Then Forced Them To Drink The Blood of The Babies They Had Murdered. Myself and Many Others Received Major Back Lash From Many People When We Had The Guts Enough To Post This Video Years Ago. I Didn't Give A Rats Ass What Anyone Thought of Me Because My Gut Feeling Told Me These Kids Were Telling The Truth. As I Am a Galactic Human I Have The Ability To Astral Project Myself To To Wherever I Am Needed or Want To Be. I've Traveled To The Underground Bases Where The Hollywood Celebrities, Government Officials, The Cabal and The Elite Torture, Sacrifice and Murder Eat Babies and Children. It Was No Doubt In My Mind That These Two Were Telling The Truth From Day One. It Was The Ignorant Public Who Did Not Want To BELIEVE Them or Those of Us Who Believed and Supported These Children. The Public Could Not Understand or Comprehend How Any Father Could Do This To His Children. Well Here We Are Today In The Year 2020, Rescuing MILLIONS of Tortured, Sexually Abused Children and Babies From Underground Bases Owned By The Satanic Cabal Who Are Known To Prey On Children That Live On This Planet.. For Those of You Who Did Not Believe These Children and Turned Their Backs On Them and CONDEMNED To Death People Like Myself Who Had The Guts Enough To Expose The Truth WTF Are Yall' Now? - Click HERE To View.

5- CNN Host Don Lemon Walks Off Set After Guest Call Him Fake News - I'll Say It Main Stream Media News is Staged and Fake.. Trump and The American Public is Calling Them Out For The B.S. Scammers That They Are and The Little Cabal Media Puppets Can't Handle The Back Lash. Good By Main Stream Media News Your Days of LYING To The American Public is Over............... "We Are The News."- Click HERE To View.

6- Tucker Carlson Exposes YouTube CENSORSHIP Of Dissenting Doctors - Click HERE To View.

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