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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH,  Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....   ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research,  Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched. As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU  Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children. 

1- As Of April 9, 2020, Over 35,000 Malnourished, Caged Children Rescued out of US Tunnels by Military - As of The Beginning of May 2020 Over One Million Children/Adults Have Been Rescued Fro m Underground Tunnels. Please Note I Can Only Get The Reports On The Children/Adults Being Rescued From Underground Bases When it is Safe For Military Rescuers To Post This Information and That's When It is Safe For Us To Release The Information. I Understand Everyone Wants Proof and Informstion on The Rescue Mission and We Are Trying To To Get The Information Out as Fast We Can. Please Understand This is A Military Op and From What I Am Hearing its' Pure Hell Underground in Those Bases. They Have To Get In/Out with as Few Casualties as Possible. Trained Burly Military Men Are Coming Out Those Tunnels In Shock, Gagging and Crying, Some Are Not Emotionally Able To Go Back In, So Its' Bad. Nurses Who Are Tending To The Victims Are Quitting Because Its' Emotionally Traumatizing Them and They Have To Return Home To Their Families and Lives. The Galactics Are Helping By Swiping Their Minds So They Do Not Remember. Trump Sent Over 100,000 Highly Trained Military Rescuers Underground To Perform This Rescue and Destroy Mission. Besides Rescuing The Victims They Are Battling The Aliens That Live Underground, Its' A War Going On Right Under Our Feet Throughout The US. Imagine What They Have To Deal with Underground Disney Parks and Hollywood.. By Time This Mission is Complete Over 100 Million Victims Will Be Rescued On A Global Scale. This Rescue Mission Extends To ALL Countries On This Planet and Its' Taking Place in Unisom. The Children, Teens, Adults Were Being Used For A Variety Heinous Acts. Harvesting of Body Parts, Sex Trafficking and as a Food Source are The Three Prime Uses. There are Different Species of Aliens That Live Underground and They Feed On Human Flesh/Blood. Cloning Technology is Available so There Are High Tech Cloning Labs Underground as Well. It Takes About 6 Weeks To Clone a Human Child. Many of The Babies/Children/Teens/Adults Being Rescued Are In Fact Clones. The Original Biological Version of Them Has Been Killed. The Military is Armed With Alien Based Technology Which Can Determine Who's Alien, Human, Clone, Cyborg etc. The Victins Who Survive The Rescue Missions Are Being Taken Aboard The Boats "Mercy & Comfort." Their Conditions Are Stabilized and Then They Are Transported Onto Awaiting Galactic Ships and Transported To Other Planets, Where They Will Be Healed, Cured, Cared For and Integrated into A Galactic Life Style. Very Few Will Be Returned To Their Earthly Families. Many Have Had Their Minds Swiped and Do Not Remember Their Biological Earth Families, Many Are Clones Without Souls, Many Were Born/Created Underground in a Lab and Have Never Been Taught To Speak or Feel Emotion, Many Have Never Heard Sound. When They Were Created In A Lab Their Diabolical Creators Did Not See The Need To Create Their Ears, Their Eyes or Mouths. These Satanic Phucks Were Only Going To Use Them as Their Food and Blood Source or For Sex and Experimentation. Many Have NEVER Seen The Sunlight, or The Stars at Night. They've Never Felt The Rain or Snow. One Breath of Oxygenated Air Above Ground Can Kill Them or Cause Them to Go Into Respiratory Failure. Respirators Had To Be Taken Underground to Help Stabilize Them Before Bringing Them Up To Earths Surface. As A Galactic Human Part of My Training Was To Spend Time In an Underground Base, So I'd Be Prepared for This Time. I've Had The Chance To Go Underground and Observe.

This Was One of My Most Hurtful and Difficult Task Ever On This God Forsaken Prison Planet. Having To Watch, Observe, Not Intervene and Walk Away. Everything I Have Described and a Hell of A Lot More That I Did Not Describe is Very REAL. All I Will Say is "Be Thankful I Do Not Have Permission Just Yet To Use My Galactic Powers Because if I Did They'd Be Nothing Left of The Human Cabal or The Negative Alien Races That Rule This Planet, I'd Rip Them A Part with A Blink of an Eye and Please Don't EVER Talk To Me About A Loving, Caring and Merciful God, Because I've Seen Hell Unfold On This Planet.

I've Lived Many Lives On This Planet. Hopefully My Current Life On Earth Will Be My Last I've Incarnated On This Planet Enough Times and I've Watched Earths Evolution Process Aboard My Families Galactic Ship and I've NEVER Seen The Loving, Merciful God Save His Children on This Planet

What I've Seen is Centuries of Innocent Humans Be Abused, Tortured, and Murdered and Destroyed Over and Over and Over and Over and Over Again, So Please Do Not Talk To Me About A Loving Merciful God.

Because Once Again Earth Humans are Facing EXTINCTION/ANNIHILATION and If ALLOWED As Always The ANNUNAKI GOD That Humans Un Knowingly Praise and Worship Will Once Again Destroy His Creation and Recreate A New and Upgraded Version of Human, Which Will Be Known as Trans Human Man Merged with Machine.." Click HERE To View

2- Orwellian: Cities Use Drones To Monitor People & Enforce Social Distancing - Click HERE To View.

3- IT BEGINS: Chicago Official CONFIRMS CDC Plot for Mass Vaccination - Click HERE To View.

4- Giant Deadly Hornets Are Here In America - Although This Post Came Out In 2013, It Is Believed These or Similar Deadly Hornets Are Now Here In America. Hmmmmmmmmmmm How Did They Get Here? Whether The Public Understands or Not Earth Humans are Under Attack From All Angles.

Its Time for The Annunaki Aliens Creator of Humans To Destroy The Current Human Sopecies So They Can Bring In The Next Species That Will Replace Us.

Their Next Species is Transhuman Man Merged with Machine. The Fun Part For Them is Finding A Way To Kill Off Tthe Current Version of Humanity.. .Problem is They Created a POWERFUL Version of Human That Supersedes any Version They've Created In The Past.

Their DNA/Genetics Come From 21+ Different Alien Species. When Powered Up Every Human On Earth Has Over 75 Different Galactic Powers at Their Disposal. Off Planet I Have The Ability To Make A Person Drop Just By My Power of THOUGHT and Looking at That Person, I Can Literally Create Something Out of Nothing With The Power of My Thought.

This Version of Human Has The Power of Infinity. Meaning They Can Destroy The Physical Body, BUT They Can Not Destroy YOU. You'll Move On and Take On Other Lives Outside of Earth.. YOU Are Not Your Physical Body.

Your Physical Body is Your Space Suit That You MUST Wear On Earth In Order To Exist On This Planet. I Travel Outside My Earth Physical Body Every Day and I Return To It When Its' Time For Me To . Function Here On Earth.

I am Able To Interact with Humans Who Have Left Earth And They Are Doing Just Fine. They Live O Other Planets, Worlds, Dimensions etc. They Are Happy, Healthy and Living Their Lives Outside of Earth.

The Numb Nuts Who Created This Current Species of Human Over Did Themselves By Creating Infinite Alien Beings That Can Survive Outside of Their Physical Bodies. Destroying Humans Has Truly Become a Game For Them.. When One Technique Fails They Come Up with Something Else.

Now They've Released a Genetically Modified Version of "Murder Hornets" in Hopes of Scaring Humans and Killing Off. Humanity Please THINK How Did These Killer Hornets Travel From China to America?

Last I Heard They Had Made it To Washington Stare in California. Virus, Food Shortage Now The Release of Deadly Hornets. Your SAFE Folks Don't Let it Concern You. Let's Keep Moving Forward. - Click HERE To View.

5- An APP That Keep Track of Humans Has Been Developed - This App is Designed to Work In Conjunction with The Nano Bots/SMART Dust That Has Already Inside of Your Body. Your SMART Phones Will Be Used As Your Personal Remote That Will Program, Monitor and and Control YOU.

The Creation of This Human Tracking APP is Just ONE of Many APPS That Will Be Created and Used To Control Every Aspect of A Transhumans Life.

If You Do Not Want To Become A Mind Controlled Transhuman Robot You Better earn Your RIGHTS As A Human Being and Stand Up For Your Rights. - Click HERE To View.

6- USA Is A Corporation and Functions Under Admiralty Law and YOUR Birth Certificates Make You Property - As Property You Can Be Sold and Traded as Commerce.. According To The Cabal Here In In America EVERY Human is Viewed as a SLAVE Regardless of Their Ethnicity, Religious Beliefs, Fame/Financial Status/Sexual Orientation/Gender, Political Affiliation. etc.

The Division That Humans Create Between Each Other (With The Cabal's Help) is A Stupid Waste of Time and Its' an ILLUSION.Because When Its' All Said and Done The Cabal Don't Give A Rats As Who You Are,

In Their Diabolical Mind and Eyes, ALL Humans Are Nothing More Then Slaves. They Enjoy Referring Refer To The Human Slaves as Useless Eater's and They View ALL Humans as Their Chattle and Sheeple..Who Can Not Think For Themselves and MUST Be Lead Around By A Hook In Their Nose..

Guess What In This Reality Regardless of What You Have or What You Don't Have EVERY Human is EQUAL To The Next Human. Humans Fight, Hate and Kill Each Other Over Stupid Shyt That Don't Matter ie; Money, Ethnicity, Religious Beliefs, Fame/Financial Status/Sexual Orientation/Gender, Political Affiliation. etc.;

THINK at This Point Does Any of That Stuff Matter? Regardless They Want Us All DEAD..We Should Not Be Enemies Towards Each Other, We Should Be Joining Together To Battle The Real Enemy That Wants Dead. The Cabal and The Negative Aliens Who Rule Earth Love It When Human's Hate, Fight, Destroy, Condemn and Kill Each Other.

WHY? Because We've Taken Our Attention off of Them and Our Negativity Feeds and Energizes Them Click HERE To View. That's Why They Keep Shyt Brewing On This Planet, Because Are Their Food Source and They Feed Off of Our Energy.

Most EVERYTHING You've Been Taught is a LIE at Some Point You Will Have To "Let Go" off The False Reality and Re Learn Truth. The Galactic's Will Help Humanity and it Will Not Be as Difficult or Time Consuming as You Think it Will Be. - Click HERE To View..

7- Compilation of The HUGE Global AWAKENING - Click HERE To View.

8- Doctor's In Black - PlanDemic, Global Plan To Take Control of Our Lives, Liberty Health & Freedom - Click HERE To View.

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