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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power.... ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched. As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- ALT.Censored - A Digital Library of Videos That Have Been CENSORED From YouTube, Face Book, Twitter and Other Social Media Platforms - Click HERE To View.

2- For Your Information - If You Were Vaccinated Against The Flu, You Are Most Likely To Test Positive For Several Types of Corona Virus. Vaccines Are Not Used To Prevent or Cure Any Virus, Disease, They Are Used To Inject Disease and Viruses Into The Human Body.

Humans Are Enslaved On This Planet and The Alien Over Lords of Earth Are Not Thinking About CURING and HEALING The Bodies of Their Slave Humans. For Many Alien Races They View Earth as a One Gigantic Laboratory and Humans Are Their Lab Rats. Alien Races Who Are In Control Over Earth and Humanity Only Keep Humans Well Enough To Work and Function, Because They Feed Off Of The Etheric Energy That Each Human Produces Throughout Their Life Time Here On Earth.

3- For Your Information - QUESTION: Doesn’t Elon Musk Know The Danger of The SpaceX Starlink Project? Or He Already Knew The DANGERS But Chose To Launch The 5G Satellites Into Space On Purpose Without Regard To The Safety of Humans On Earth.

ANSWER From Cobra: Unfortunately, Elon Musk Is No Longer Working For The Light Side. He is Cooperating with Illuminati/Cabal and With Their Plans.

4- I Called Poison Control - Click HERE To View.

5- US Government Counter Terrorism Center Accidentally Releases ‘Remote Mind Control’ Documents - They've Been Using Mass Mind Control On The American Public Since The 1960's. The Only Difference Today is They Have Access To Alien Based Technology, Which Makes it Easier For Them To Implement The Mind Control Singularly or To A Multitude of People. - Click HERE To View.

6- The Simpsons Clip Predicting 2020 Pandemic And Murder Hornets - NOTHING On This Planet Happens By Accident or Coincidence EVERYTHING Is Pre Planned Decades, Months or Days In Advance. Through Hollywood Movies and TV Series They Give The American Public Advanced WARNING Of What They Plan To Do Or Are Already Doing To Them. - Click HERE To View.

7- Fake Main Stream Media Is At It Again - Click HERE To View.

8- WARNING: Prolonged Use Of Face Mask Produces Hypoxia - Click HERE To View.

9- Current Galactic Affairs With Aneeeka From The Planet Taygetta - Click HERE To View.

10- Kerry Cassidy Interviewed By Chris Mathieu From Forbidden Knowledge - Click HERE To View.

11- Super Soldier Anthony Zender Exposing The Illuminati/Cabal - Click HERE To View.

12- This Weeks Quantum Shift Show - Weekly Galactic and Earthly News Update Update Hosted By Sam Mugzzi an d Kent Dunn - Click HERE To View.

13- This Hypercapnia is Caused When You Re Breath Your Own Exhaled C02 - You Are Killing Yourselves, Take The Masks Off.. You Can Not Catch The COVID-19 Virus Because It Has Already Been Injected Into Your Body.. Click HERE To View.

14- County of Ventura California Rolls Out Plan To REMOVE Adults and Children From Their Homes If They Test Positive For COVID-19 - Infected People Will Be Placed In Isolation and Monitored or in Designated Housing. - Click HERE To View.

15- CBS News Staged a Fake COVID-19 Testing Line - Hopefully By Now A Good Portion of The American Public Understands That We Live In A FALSE Reality. Most of The Events We Experience Daily Outside of Our Personal Lives Is Pre Planned and Staged. Those Who Are Still In Tune To Main Stream Media News Are Being Programmed On A Daily Basis To "BELIEVE" Whatever it is They Are Programming The Public To Believe On That Particular Day.

Back in The Late 1960's The Government Passed A Law Making it Legal To Keep The Truth From The Public Making It Legal To Promote Propaganda and LIES. This Law Was Reinstated During The Time Fake Obama Was In Office. And Now Here We Are In The Year 2020 and Main Stream Media News is Continuously Being Called Out For Staging and Faking The News.

YOU Have The Power Within You To Break Away From The B.S. But You Must Teach Yourselves How To Discern and Decipher What is REAL and What is FALSE. YES, It Might Take a Little Effort On Your Part, But If You Don't Want To Continue Being Deceived You'll Realize You Are Worth Putting In That Extra Effort, Because In The Long Run It Will Prove Beneficial To You and Your Families.

Keep In Mind Any Children You Have Living In Your Home Will Follow YOUR Lead, But You Are Responsible For Re Educating/Teaching Them As Well. Its' Time For The American Public To Break Free From The MATRIX of LIES. True Freedom Lies Within YOU. - Click HERE To View.

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