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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power.... ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched. As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Barrack Obama. Bill Gates, Michelle Obama Being Trained and Groomed To Play Their Scripted Roles In This Mass Game of Planetary Deception.

1- Dumbing Down and Re Programming The American Sheeple People To Accept The "New Normal" That They Create For Them - This is The Type of Shyt They Want The Public To View As Their "New Normal." ONLY The DUMBED Down Sleepers Will Accept This as There "New NAZI/Draconian "Normal" Life.

Many Americans Are Un Knowingly PROGRAMMED and In Situations They Do Not Know How To THINK For Themselves, So They'll Accept Whatever "New Normal" That They Are Being PROGRAMMED To Accept. I Make No Apologies For My Bluntness, Because I Am Speaking The TRUTH and I Am Not Here To Coddle The Sleepers and Sugar Coat The Obvious.

By Now If You Still Can't Handle Truth and If You Still Need To Be Coddled and Spoon Fed Sugar Coated Candy Then This Page is Not For You and I Encourage You To Hit Your DELETE Buttons, Because I Do Not Want To Hurt or Offend Anyone By Speaking Hard Facts and Truth.

At This Point Humanities Existence and The Lives of EVERY Living Being In America and On This Planet is at Stake. So, For Those of You Who Do Not Give A Rats Ass About YOUR Life and Well Being or The Lives and Well Beings of Your Families , So Be It, That's YOUR Personal Choice. However YOUR Choice Does Not Speak or Represent Those of Us Who Are Willing To Stand Up and Fight For Not Just Our Freedom, But Fight For The Liberty and Freedom of Those Who Have No Voice, The Sick, Disabled and Elderly. This Here is Just A Sample Of The B.S. That's Being Deliberately PROGRAMMED Into The Minds and Consciousness of The Sleeping Sheeple Who Don't Give A Rats Ass. This Is Being Touted as "YOUR" "New Normal."This Shyt Here Along with All The Other Shyt They Are Desperately Tryin' to Bring Forth as YOUR "New Normal" Will NEVER Be "Normal" In My Reality, Because Through Their Smoke Screens I Not Only See The B.S. I Can Smell It and Its' Sickening and It Stinks To High Hell.. - Click HERE To View.

2- To The Sheeple Who Want To Hide In Their Safe Worlds and Act Like EVERYTHING is Ok

((((( Most EVERY Commercial Now Being Aired On Television and On The Internet Is PROGRAMMING The American Public To Accept Whatever "New Normal" They Decide To Create For You.)))))

Guess What? The Sheeple and Their Children Are Being Targeted and Re Programmed To Accept Whatever New Reality The NAZI Draconian's Create For You To Live In.. REMEMBER This, "If You Do Not Stand Strong For SOMETHING, You Will Easily Fall For EVERYTHING." - Click HERE To View.

3- US Military Nano Spy Mosquito Drone - Keep In Mind This Technology Has Been Mimicked By DARPA and Bill Gates and Is Being Used as a Weapon Against The American Public. These Tiny Mosquito Drones Have Been Used To Track, Locate, Target and Deliver Doses of Dangerous Vaccines and Deadly Poisons. Nano Drones Can Be Designed To Resemble Insects, Birds, Wild/Aquatic Life etc. Drones Can Be as Tiny as a Grain of Rice or Smaller and as Large as a Bird or Larger. Size and Style Depends On The Task at Hand. - Click HERE To View.

4- Judge Jeanine Risks Career to Expose The Left's Attempted Coup D'État; Obama a Traitor Click HERE To View.

5- Aliens Create Crop Circles That Contain Blueprints for Free Energy Devices - Click HERE To View.

6- New World Order/UN Agenda Mission Goals 2021/2030 - Click HERE To View.

7- State Run TV - Click HERE To View.

8- The (UN) Constitution - Click HERE To View.

9-Coronavirus Armed Gestapo Now Removing People From Homes - When Viewing This Video, Use Your Own DISCERNMENT. Remember Most Things In This FALSE Reality is Staged To Instill FEAR and COMPLIANCE.. If In Fact These Two People are Infected With COVID-19, Take Note, Not One Of These Law Enforcement Agents is Wearing a Mask or Any Type of Protective Gear. - Click HERE To View.

10- Is Obama Hitler's Grandson? - Start Listening To The Video at 20:24 - Click HERE To View

11- The "Q" Plan To SAVE The World - Click HERE To View.

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