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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched. As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

EMERGENCY MESSAGE TO ALL This is a Video Message From Aneeka of Planet Temer. Aneeka is From The Pleidian Star System. Her Crew of Researchers Scientist are Here Monitoring The Situation On Earth. The Pleiadians Fleet of Ships Are Now Hovering Less Then 3,000 Miles Above Earth.

Presently There Are Billions of Galactic Army Fleets From Many Other Planets Stationed Here and They Are In Battle For Control Over This Planet and For The Freedom of Earth Humans. Our Battle For Freedom Extends Far Beyond Earth Deep Into The Galaxy. The Outcome of This Battle Will Affect Thousands of Other Planets and Civilizations. It is VITAL, Now More Then Ever That Every Adult Who Reading This Message Remain ALERT and Keep Themselves and Their Families Informed. Those Who Chose To Ignore WARNINGS and Not To Keep Themselves Informed Will Not Have A Clue of What's Going On and That Was/Is Their Personal Choice..

Whether You Understand What Is Going On or Not, Regardless of Your Race, Sexual Orientation, Ethnicity, Gender, Political/Financial/Religious Status, The Survival of Humanity is at Stake and Every Humans Life is In DANGER and This Includes The Lives of ALL Children. We Are "Temporarily" Living Under The Rule of The NAZI Based New World Order Regime and Their End Goal is To Commit Mass Genocide by Killing off 95% of Humanity and To Re Enslve The Remaining 5%. Agenda 21/30 Is In Full Effect. As Top Members of The Cabal Are Now Being Arrested/Executed Behind The Scenes For Their Heinous Crimes Against Humanity, They Have Increased Their Attacks On The Human Population On A Global Scale. A Few Months Ago Millions of People In China Were Instantly Murdered When Their Government Purposely Clicked On 5G. The Chinese Government Blamed The Murder of Their Citizens on The Corona Virus.

Here In America They Are Murdering People In The Hospitals and Blaming The Deaths On COVID-19. Doctors and Nurses Are Speaking Out and They Too Are Being Murdered.

Listed Below Are A Few Simple Rules That Might Be Useful To Help Protect Yourselves and Your Families. 1- Take The Masks Off - The Masks Are Depriving Your Bodies of Oxygen and Its' Poisoning Your System. By Wearing A Mask You Are Continuously Breathing In Your Own Germs and Depriving Your Body of Oxygen. You Can Not Catch COVID-19, Because It Has Already Been Injected Into Your Body. If You've Had A Flu Shot or Any Other Shot Within Your Life Time, COVID-19 Along With Many Other Diseases, Virus's, Has Already Been Injected Into Your Body. Wearing A Mask Is Just Another Form of The Cabal's Control Over You and Your Willingness To Comply Without Researching or Questioning What You Are Being Told To Do.

Unless You Are Elderly, Disabled, Sickly, Have A Weakened Immune System or Any Other Underlying Illness You Do Not Need To Wear A Cloth or Paper Mask.

However If You Choose To Continue Wearing A Mask Do Your Research and Purchase A Mask That It is Filtered and Does Not Restrict The Flow of Oxygen To Your Body.

People Are Passing Out and Dying Because They Are Wearing These Mask All Day Long, Depriving Their Body of Oxygen.

Do Your Own Research, Use Your Critical THINKING Skills and Stop Being The Cabal's Obeying Sheeple. 2- Stay Out Of The Hospitals - Unless You Are Sickly and Truly Dependent On Hospital or a Doctors Care, It is Advised That People Who Are In Generally Good Health Stay The Hell Out of The Hospitals and Away From ALL Doctors.

If You Have The Sniffles, Allergies, Slight Headache Learn How To Treat and Tend To Your Minor Scrapes, Bruises and Illnesses at Home or You Can Call One of The Tele Med Doctors That Are Being Advertised In Most States. Its' Time For People To Learn How To Heal and Make Themselves Feel Better. Stop Being So Dependent On Western Medicine, Because it is Western Medicine That is Slowly Killing You.

Time To Go Back In Time and Rely On Old Fashioned Home Remedies. There Are Many Books and Videos Available That Will Teach You Simple and Affordable Ways To Create Natural Home Made Remedies. SURPRISE If You Have A Garden, Many Homeopathic Ingredients That You'll Need Is Growing Right In Your Back Yard. The Cabal Own and Control Western Medicine and ALL Hospitals in The US Now A Days If You Go To The Hospital You Might Wind Up Being Diagnosed With COVID-19, Even If You Came In The Hospital With A Broken Leg. On A More Serious Note, You Could Wind Up A Respirator and Dead. 3- Do Not Get Vaccinated With Anything - Unless You Know The Ingredients of What's Being Injected Into Your Body and ALL of The Potential Side Effects. STOP Blindly Trusting The People Who Work In The Medical Profession. Many Have Good Intent, However They Were Taught Medicine Under The Corrupt Cabal Health Care System and Most Do Not Know Anything Else Other Then What They Were Taught. Keep In Mind Hospitals, Nurses and Doctors Get Financial Rewards For Following Cabal Instructions. In Other Words Your Health and Well Being Doesn't Mean Jack Shyt To Many of These People, You're Just A Cash Cow To Them. Again I Am Not Denouncing ALL Who Work In The Medical Profession, Because There Are Many Doctors, Nurses Who Genuinely Care for Their Patients and Practice Medicine With The Highest Integrity, However They Were Educated Under The Satanic Cabal Medical System.

Then There Are The Doctors and Nurses Who'll Put Their Financial Gain Ahead of Their Patients Lives. Unless You Know The Person or They Wear A Sign To Identify Themselves, You Will Not Know Who You Can TRUST In The Hospital.

From What I Understand The Cabal Are Placing Their Own People In Hospitals and These Cabal Flunkies Have Little To No Experience In Medical Care and They Are Well Aware That They Are Causing Harm or Certain Death To The Patients In Their Care. 4- Do Not Get Tested For COVID-19 - The Virus is In The Swab That They Stick Up Your Nose and You Will Most Likely Test Positive. Also, If You've Had The Flu Shot Within The Past 10 Years You Will Test Positive for COVID-19. 5- What is COVID-19? - COVID-19 Is Not What You Have Been Told and Lead To Believe. COVID-19 Is A Virus Created with Artificial Intelligence and Once Injected Into Your Body it Can Be Can Be Activated Through 5G or Other Vaccine's.

COVID-19 Is Part of The Cabal's Trans Human Agenda and It Works In Conjunction with A Specific Grade and Military Type of 5G. I'm Still Doing Research On The A.I. Factor of COVID-19, But From What I Understand The A.I. Has Gotten Out of HuMAN'S Control. You Can Use My Information as a Starter Guide But I Encourage ALL Of You To Do Your Own Research and Draw Your Own Conclusions. Do Not Waste "TIME" Because The Cabal Are On Our Asses. What You Know Can SAVE Your Life and The Life of Your Families. What You Choose Not To Allow Yourselves To Know Could Get You Killed at This Point.

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