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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH,  Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....   ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research,  Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU  Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children. 

Children Who Were Trafficked Into Satanic Sex Cults. The Dark Rings Formed Around Their Eyes are Known as "Panda Eyes." These Dark Rings Appear When A Child Has Been Sodomized. The Trauma of Being Sodomized Causes Tiny Blood Vessels To Burst Around The Child's Eyes, This Creates Dark Bluish, Black Circles Around Their Eyes.

1-German Cafe Tells Customers To Wear Pool Noodle Hats To Enforce Social Distancing - This is How The Cabal Have Continuously CONTROLLED The Human Population For Many Centuries. Without Question Humans Bow Down and Do Whatever The Cabal Tell Them To Do.

This is How The Cabal Make Jack Assess Out of The Dumbed Down Human Masses. Human Sheeple are So Dumbed Down They Don't Know How To Utilize Their Critical Thinking Skills, They Can't THINK For Themselves. Its' Easier For The Sheeple To OBEY and Have The Cabal Lead Them Around By The Hook That's Stuck In Their Nose.

No Matter How IGNORANT The Cabal Make The Sheeple Look, The Sheeple Continue To Follow and OBEY Their Cabal Alien Over Lords. The Sleeping Sheeple Have No Idea That They Are Living Each Day of Their Lives Under Mass Mind Control, A Technique The Cabal Began Perfecting When They Teamed Up With NAZI's in the 1940's Right After WWll.

The Adults Who Agree To Comply By Wearing These Ridiculous Swimming Noodle Hats On Their All For B.S. NAZI Based "Social Distancing" Are Truly Mind Fucked and at This There Might Not Be Any Hope For Them To Fight For Their Rights and Freedom.

By Use of Mass Mind Control The Cabal Have Taken Control Over Their Brain and Their Ability To Use Critical Thinking Skills. I'm Quite Sure if This B.S. Winds Up In America A Good Portion of The Mind Fucked American Public Will Follow The Herd/Hive Mentality..

This is Pathetic and Those of Us Who Are Aware of The Massive Mind Game That's Being Played On Humanity Can No Longer Help Those Who Do Not Want or Can Not Help Themselves. Years Ago I WARNED People if They Allowed The Cabal Access To Their Minds They Would Swiftly Take Control and Humans Would Lose Themselves and Their Identities and Here We Are Today. - Click HERE To View.

2- The Most Brutally Honest 10 Minutes Of Your Life! - Click HERE To View.

3- Lock Down In The UK With Miles Johnston and Carol Noonan - Detailed Discussion On The Lock Down and Forced Vaccinations That is Presently Happening In The UK. - Click HERE To View.

4- The Wearing of The Mask - Click HERE To View.

5- Those Of Us Who Were Raised In The 1950's, 1960's, 1970's, Survived Our Childhood and Are Still ALIVE Today, We Are Truly Super Fuckin' AMAZING - Click HERE To View.

6- We The People Have The POWER To REMOVE These EVIL Tyrants From Their Positions of POWER - So, Why Are We Sitting Back Waiting For Them To MURDER US? Like it or Not, That's Exactly Their Intent and Agenda. They Are Coming After Your Kids, Your Families and YOU. So, WTF Is The American Public Waiting For?

If You Want To Help "Make America GREAT Again" We ALL Gotta Get Up Off Our Asses and Take America Back. Instead of Sittin' Around Waiting For ONE Person (Trump), Some Magical GOD In The Sky or The Galactic's To Fix All The Problems and Save Our Asses.

At This Point If You Want To SURVIVE You Better Start Fighting For Your God Damn Lives, Because In This Stories Ending It is 'We The People" Who Are The SAVIORS of This Planet.

Many People Like Myself Over The Years, The Decades Have Been Doing Our Part To Awaken As Many of The Sleepers As We Could. Over The Years and Decades We've Watched Many Brave People Be Attacked and Harassed. Many Were Forced To Live In Hiding, Separated From Their Families and Friends.

Many Lost Their Lives Because They Were MURDERED By These God Damn, Power Hungry Evil, Satanic Human/Alien Tyrants. All Because We/They Were Trying To Awaken The Dumbed Down Sleeping Sheeple People, Who Could Care Less About Anyone or Anything Outside Of Their Snow Flake Reality.

You've Had More Then Enough TIME To Wake The Fuck Up and Unless You Show Some Initiative and at Least Act Like You Care About What's Going On Outside Your Comfort Zones, Guess What Sleeper's? Your On Your Own. So, Ya Better Figure This Shyt Out and Ya Better Figure It Out Quick, Fast and In A Hurry, Cause TIME Aint' On Your Side. You Can Continue Dawdling Around, Playin' Deaf, Blind and Stupid If You Choose To Do So, But YOU, Your Kids and Families Will Be Left Behind To Suffer The Consequences of YOUR Ignorance.

Whether You Comprehend This or Not The Existence of ALL Human LIFE Is At Stake and There is No More Time To Sugar Coat Shyt To Appease The Dumbed Down Sleepers. Ya Either Get On The Boat and Help Paddle and Navigate Humanities Ship Or You Stay Behind and Drown in Your Stupidity as The NAZI Based Satanic Cabal is Lead You Straight To Slaughter.

NOTE: I Know My Words Are Very Harsh and Blunt, That's Because I Am Passionate About Our Fate as a Species of and Genuinely Care About The Life and Well Being Of Humanity and ALL Living Beings.

We've Reached The Point Where Continuing To Hide and Fluff Up The Harsh, Ugly Truth Will Be Detrimental To The Survival and Continued Existence of Humans and ALL Life On This Planet.

So, Unless You Live In A Cave, Don't Have a Cell Phone or Access To The Internet, Are Under The Cabal's Spell of Mass Mind Control, Are Severely Emotionally/Physically Disabled and Elderly.

Unless You Are A Baby, Child or Teenager, The ONLY Other Logical Reason That I Can Think Of That You Do Not Know What's Going At This Point, is You Don't Give A Fuck, Can't Think Beyond Your Reality, Are In Denial, or You Are Afraid To Face The Truth.

Other Then What I've Mentioned Above, I Can't Think of Any Other Excuse For People NOT To Be at Least Somewhat Aware of What's Going On and Currently Taking Place On This Planet. - Click HERE To View.

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