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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power.... ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched. As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

If You Think They Can Not/Do Not Have Control Over Your Mind, You Better Think Again. The Cabal Working With The NAZI Scientist/Psychologist Began Perfecting and Conducting Mass Mind Control Experiments In The 1940's, We Are Now In The Year 2020. With Advanced Technology and Help From Negative ET Races One Can Only Imagine What They Are Able To Do Today.

1- Mock Satanic Ritual/Feast Party Performed By The Elite Cabal - Keep In Mind Hollywood Celebrities, US Government Officials, Top Level Lawyers, Doctors, College Professors, Law Enforcement, Pastors, Priest, Popes etc. Attend These Gatherings. These Are The People The US Public Were Indoctrinated To Look Up To, Respect, Worship, Kneel and Bow Down Too. - Click HERE To View.

2- 54,000 People Had Their Paychecks Seized To Pay Student Loans, Despite Pause - Click HEAR To View.

3- Stimulus Proposal: $2,000 Monthly Payment Plus $1,000 Per Month Until 1 Year After Crisis Ends - Click HERE To View.

4- Yall' Heard of The Adam's Family? - Well Here's The COVID Family - Click HERE To View.

5- Do You Know What The Most Expensive Drug Is? - Click HERE To View.

6- Crisis Actor's Are Paid By The Cabal Owned CIA To Deceive The Public - Many Paid Crisis Actors Can't Act. Their Horrible Acting Skills is What Blows Their Cover Most of The Time. Here's a Good Example. - Click HERE To View.

8- Beautiful Mud Giant Woman - Mount Susitna is Often Called The Sleeping Lady Mountain.

It is Located 30 miles NW of Anchorage, Alaska.. This Woman Was a REAL Biological Living Being. She Existed During The Time Gigantic Giants Lived Earth. A Sudden Catastrophic Event Occurred and They Were Wiped Out, Frozen Solid Where They Stood. Their Bodies Literally Make Up Earths Mountainous Landscapes. - Click HERE To View.

9- For Those Who Believe Prescription Drugs Are SAFE - I Am One Of The Original Thalidomide Babies. My Mom's Doctor Prescribe Thalidomide To Her When She Was Carrying Me and It Prevented and Damaged The Growth of My Arms Interesting Enough Even Today Babies Are Still Being Born with Missing or Deformed Limbs.

Thalidomide Was Re Introduced Back Into The Market 20+ Years Ago. However It Contained A Heavy WARNING Label.. The Claims Are Its' Being Used For Other Illnesses.. B.S., Its' Still Causing The Same Detrimental Effects It Did Back in the 1950's-1960's. It Should Have Been Removed and NEVER Allowed Back On The Shelves.

This is a Double Insult To People Like Me. Stay Away From ALL Man Made DANGEROUS Medications Unless You Know The Side Effects and The Ingredients That Are In These DANGEROUS Fake Drugs. - Click HERE To View.

10- The Dangers of Artificial Intelligence - Alfred Lambremont Weber Interviews A.I. Specialist Cyrus Parsa - Click HERE To View.

11- African Government Burundi Orders The World Health Organization To Leave Africa Within 24 Hours - Click HERE To View.

12- Trump Threatens To Make Funding To The World Health Organization Permanent - Click HERE To View.

13- Nursing Home and Assisted Living Facilities Are Stealing The Stimulus Checks From Their Residents - Click HERE To View.

14- Letter From Trump Addressed To The World Health Organization - Click HERE To View.

15- Pleiadian Operation Cobra - Cabal No where to Escape! - Click HERE To View.

16- Lack Of Oxygen Can Cause Hypoxia and Cellular Damage - If These Stores Promoting The Wearing of A Mask Do Not Want To Lose Loyal Customers and Money They Need To Make Mask Wearing Voluntary and Get Over It. If Customers Feel Forced Into Doing Something They Will Not Purchase Merchandise From These Stores and These Stores Will Go Out Of Business..

This is Where The Public's MONEY Speaks Very LOUD. Those Who Choose To Wear a Mask, That's Their Choice, Those Who Choose Not To Wear A Mask That's Their Choice.

REMEMBER COVID-19 Is Not a Virus That You Can Catch, Its' Already Been Injected Into Your Body. This Wearing A Mask Thing and 6 Feet Social Distancing Thing Is Total B.S. and Just Another Form, of The Cabal Trying To See How Many People They Can Control, Manipulate and Deceive.

Look Around You Folks How Many People Do You See Who Work in Positions of Authority Wearing a Mask? Cloth and Paper Throw Away Mask Can Not Prevent You From Catching a Virus.

Use Your Common Sense, Look at People Who Work Inside Laboratories. Take Note To The Heavy Protective Gear They Are Wearing To Keep Themselves Safe. THINK Do You Really Believe a Flimsy Cloth/Paper Mask Is Gonna Protect You From a Real Virus? - Click HERE To View

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