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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Still Trying To Confirm This CDC Article, BUT If This Is True, Parents in Here In The US Might Seriously Consider Educating Their Kids at Home or Creating Small Home Schools Within Your Communities.

I Personally Do Not See This Coming Into Fruition. As Far As I Am Concerned This is Just More NAZI Based Cabal B.S., Being Put Out There To Bring More Fear, Confusion and Uncertainty into The American Public.

Its' Not NATURAL Children of The Human Species To Be Forced To Adhere To These Overly Stringent Rules On A Daily Basis For The Sake of Getting an Education Within an Educational System That is Archaic and is Clearly Being Turned Into A NAZI Based Educational System.

This Draconian New World Order School Plan Will Do Nothing But Cause Additional Emotional/Psychological Trauma To American Children Who Have Already Been Traumatized By This Corona Virus B.S.. This Psychological Abusive School Plan Will Create Fear, Anxiety, Isolation, Depression etc. In Children

If This Shyt Here is True, Parents Might Seriously Consider Keeping Their Kids at Home Come The Beginning of The Upcoming School Session That Will Begin In August/September 2020.

Parents Who Are Able Too Should Consider Educating Their Children at Home and or Setting Up Small Community Based Educational Groups.

Lets Not Forget About The Teachers, Principals and and All School Employees, How Will This Affect Their Lives, Routines and Emotions?

It Will Not at All Be Easy The School Staff To Monitor Children and Making Sure They Adhere to This Rigid Un Natural Schedule and at The Same Time School Staff Must Make Sure The Kids Are Doing Their Daily School Lessons, Eating Lunch/Snacks and Keeping Them Safe During School Hours.

This is NAZI Based Cabal School Regime and It Is Not and Should Not Be Acceptable To Any Sane Parent. I'm Still Trying To Confirm If This Article is True.. If It Is I Think Parents Who Are Able Too Should Seriously Consider Teaching and Educating Their Kids At Home.

Kids Need To Be Kids. Socializing is Part of The Human Experience. Social Distancing is Straight Up B.S. That Was Created Oon A Whim By The NAZI Based Cabal WHY Was Social Distancing Created? I'll Talk About That Topic at Another Time.

In Any Case PARENTS Its' Up To YOU To Stand Up, Speak Up and Advocate For YOUR Children or Else You Will Lose Them.

If You Do Not Speak Up For Your Children They Will Become Part of The Cabal's, NAZI Based New World Order Regime.

YOUR Children Will Replace The Current Enslaved Species of "Human" and Just Like a Robot The Cabal Will Indoctrinate and Program Your Children To Be Their Next Generation of OBEYING, "Trans Human Robotic Slaves."

If You Doubt What I Am Saying, Do Yourselves a Favor and Don't Take My Word For It, Do Your Own Research and Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On The Information You've Researched.

1- White House launches tool to report censorship on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter - Click HERE To View.

2- Dedication To ALL Of The Awakened - This is Dedicated To The MILLIONS Of People Including Myself Who've Been Awake & Aware For Years and Decades Who Had To Travel This Road Alone and IN Silence, Because No One Believed Us Many of Us Have Lost The Love and Trust of Our Friends, Families and Co Workers..

Many of Us Were Forced To Live In Hiding and I Isolation To Protect Ourselves and Our Loved Ones From The Cabal's Harassment, Physical/Emotional/Spiritual Attacks By Use of Their Psychotronic Weaponry..

Regretfully Over The Years and Through Many Decades Countless Truth Warriors Were Murdered and Silenced Forever. I Truly Thank The Person Who Wrote The Message Below. Thank You For Keeping The Awakened and The Warriors of Truth In Your Thoughts. - Click HERE To View.

3- New York Officials 'Don't Touch Other People's Balls' - Click HERE To View.

4- Italy Parliament Accuses Bill Gates of War Crimes Against Humanity - Click HERE To View.

5- The Quantum Shift Hosted By Dr. Sam Mugzzi and Kent Dunn Click HERE To View.

6- The Goldfish Report Hosted By Louisa and Jim Fetzer - Click HERE To View.

7- 80 Years Ago, 20,000 New Yorkers Cheered for Nazis at Madison Square Garden - Click HERE To View.

8- Secret Serrvice Unearths Overseas Fraud Ring Stealing Millions In Unemployment Benefits - Click HERE To View.

9- CDC’s Failed Coronavirus Tests Were Tainted With Coronavirus, Feds Confirm - Click HERE To View.

10- COBRA 5/20/20 Update: Dragon Endgame - Click HERE To View.

11- Benjamin Fulford Report: Area 51 Destroyed As Secret War intensifies - Click HERE To View

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