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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Why Is There A Secret Room Located In The Vatican That Looks Like This? Its' Time For People To Get Up Off Of Their Knees and Stop Worshiping These Man Made Religions, Because When Its' All Said and Done You Have No Idea Who or What They Have You Praying Too..

If The American Public Had A True Understanding Of What These Religions and Churches Represent, The Believers Would Be Running Out Of The Church As If Their Hair Was On Fire.

This is Just A Tiny Example Of What Lies Behind The Closed Doors of The Vatican.

1- 20,000 Year Old Electrical Transformer Found In The Kosovo Mountains - Click HERE To View.

2- Every Vaccinated Child Is Imprinted With The Genetic Code For Cancer - I Hope EVERY Adult is Pays Full ATTENTION To This Article Because It Pertains To YOUR Children. If These Fuckers Can Inject The Genetic Coding of Cancer Into The Human Body, What Makes Yall' Think They Have Not Injected COVID-19 or Any Other Virus Into Th Human Body?

Guess What? The ONLY Reason Humans Are Sick, Born With Diseases and Disabilities is Because of The Shyt They've Been Injecting Intro The Human Body Since Day One.

ALL Of You Are The Human Version of Aliens and as a Galactic Being You Do Not Get Sick and Your Bodies Are Supposed To Be Clear of Any Deadly Diseases.

But See On This Planet The Human Species Somewhere A Long The The Human Species Was Hijacked and Enslaved By Negative Alien Races.

These Negative Alien Races View Their Human Slaves as Their Food/Energy Source, Worker Slaves, Entertainment Source and Live Guinea Pigs That They Use, Abuse and Experiment On In Any Way They Choose.

They Began Injecting Cancer Cells Into The Human Body Back In The 1960's, So Their Method Might Have Improved Over The Past Six Decades, BUT Their Diabolical Agenda Remains The Same. - Click HERE To View

3- Urgent UK & Global Lawful Rebellion Against Treason & Sedition - Click HERE To View.

4- Why Are You Wearing A Mask? - Click HERE To View.

5- Govt Expands Hydroxychloroquine As Prophylactic For Healthcare Workers - To Bypass The Satanic Cabal and Their Minions Who Are Purposely Trying To Prevent The Release of Hydroxychloroquine, Because They Know Its' Healing Powers. The Galactic's Have Begun To Spray The Skies With Hydroxychloroquine and Other Healing Vitamins and Nutrients The Human Body Needs.

Hydroxychloroquine Will Also Cleanse and Restore Your Pineal Gland. Your Pineal Glands Stores Your Galactic Memories and Your Galactic Powers and Abilities. This is Another Reason Why Trump Was Pushing Hard For The Release of Hydroxychloroquine.

Trump is Well Aware of Humanities Galactic Heritage and it is Way Past Time For Humans To REMEMBER Who They Are, Where They Came From, Why They Chose To Be Here During This Planetary Shift and What Is Their Mission.

Its' Time For People To Step Into Their Galactic Powers And Fight For The Survival of The Human Species. ALL Of You Have A Part To Play In This Grand Ending, Step Up To The Plate and Do Your Part. - Click HERE To View.

6- Doctors Now Agree, President Trump Was Right On Hydroxychloroquine - Cheers, To The Dumbed Down Trump Haters.. Be Prepared To Suffer The Consequences of Your Blind Ignorance. Humanity is In A Planetary/Galactic War and The Fight For Its' Survival. Those Who Continuously Choose To Wallow and Bask In Their Ignorance Will Not Survive This War.

Do Not Let Your Misguided Hate Towards One Man Lead You To Slaughter. Because Believe it or Not Your Misguided Hate Could Cause You To Lose Your Life During This Planetary War. Fight The REAL Enemy and Not Those Who Are Trying To Save Your Ass.

"KNOWLEDGE" Is Your Key To Survival. Keep Yourselves Informed, Research and Stay Woke. Click HERE To View.

7- Ecuador Expose The Skeletons Of An Ancient Race Of Giant Humans - 7 Times Bigger Then Modern Humans - Click HERE To View.

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