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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- Court upholds California governor's Coronavirus Ban On In-Person Church Services - The TRUE God You Seek Lies Within YOU, It Is YOU. You Don't Need To Physically Attend Church To Worship, Your Church is YOU.. If People Truly Understood What The Church Represented They Would Not Rush To Attend Church.

Many Churches Were Purposely Built On Top of Demonic Ley Lines and On Underground Bases Where They Enslave Children/Adults.

When You Attend Church When The Preacher Preaches His/Her Sermon and The Congregation Sings, Prays, and Glorifies Whatever Gods They Believe In They Are In Fact Calling Up The Demons Housed In Underground Bases.

If You Do The Research On The Origin of Churches You'll Find Out That Churches Were Built To Be Used As A Cover Up To Hide What's Going On Underground.

Demons Have Always Fed off of Spiritual Energy. Church Gatherings Create A Hearty Feast For Demons That Live Underground.. Building Churches On Top of Specific Ley Lines Was No Accident or Coincidence. The Satanic Cabal Know Exactly Where Every Church in America is Built.

While Church Goers Are In Church Praising God, The Alien Demon Gods Are Underground Feeding Off Of The Spiriual Energy. The Satanic Cabal Are Also Underground Conducting Satanic Human Sacrifice Rituals and Feeding off of The Negative Energies That Church Goers Un Knowingly Create.

Anyhooooooooo, Its' Clean Up Time and This is ONE of The Many Reasons Churches Are Closed or Are Only Allowing A Certain Amount of People To Attend Church Services. California is One of The Cabal's Main Hubs for Human Trafficking, Especially Hollywood California.

I'll Say This Again "The God You Seek Dwells Within YOU, Not Outside of YOU, It Is YOU." Trust Me You Do Not Need A Church To Worship.

The Bulk of The American Public Has No Idea Who or What Type of God They Have Been Deceived and Tricked Into Worshiping, The Vatican Knows The Truth and The Vatican Has Always Been Controlled By The Reptilian Aliens. But, We'll Talk About That Later Or You Can Do Your Own Research. - Click HERE To View

2- This is Just An Example of How Mind Fucked Some People Have Become. - I've Reached Point Where I Really Can't Get Mad At People Who Act Like This. WHY? Because I Know They've Been Mind Fucked By The Technology That The Cabal Has Weaponized and is Using Against The American Public.

For Those Who Don't Know This Mass Mind Control Has Been Ongoing Within The US Since The 1960's. Since The 1960's There Hasn't Been A Time Where The CIA, DARPA etc. Have Not Been Using Some Form of Individual or Mass Mind Control Against The American Public.

What's Really Sad is The Bulk of The American Public Have No Idea That Their Under Mass Mind Control, So Its' Easier For Their Minds To Be Controlled and Manipulated. Once You Catch On To What's Going On You Can Break The SPELL of Mind Control.

Mind Control Is Just ONE Of The Many Heinous Crimes Against Humanity These Satanic Alien/Human Fuckers Have Committed Against Humanity Without Their Consent or Knowledge..

Again People Who Act Like This Are Either Cabal PAID Crisis Actors or They Are Under A Form of Mind Control That They Did Not Consent Too and Have No Knowledge That Their Mind is Being Manipulated.

I Know At Times Its' Difficult To Show Understanding or Compassion Towards People Who Act Like This, Because You Might Just Wanna Knock Em' In The Head, at Least That's How I Feel At Times.

There Are Times Where I Can Genuinely Feel Pity Towards People Who Act Out Like This, If Their Minds are Being Controlled and Manipulated The Fact is They Might Not Have Control Over Their Actions..

I Know It Might B e Difficult For People To Relate To The Facts, But The American Public MUST Learn/Practice On Expanding Their Way of Thinking and Adjust Their Belief Systems,

We Live On A Planet Where "Truth IS In Fact Stranger Then Fiction." To Survive This Planetary Transition and Emerge On The Other The Side of The Tunnel You MUST Be Willing To Bend, Adjust and Alter The Flow of Your Frequency. It Might Be A Bit of Hard Work and It Will Take Practice, I'm Living Proof That It Can Be Accomplished..

3- Indictment of Former (Deceased) President George Herbert Walker Bush - Gold Laundering and Human Trafficking - Click HERE To View.

4- Did John Roberts Of Fox News Comes Out And Call Covid 19 Pandemic A "Hoax" On A Hot Mic? - Click HERE To View.

5- CDC Director: 'Very Aggressive' Contact Tracing Needed For U.S. To Return To Normal - Click HERE To View.

6- Second Wave You Say? Major Crossroads. What Wave are You Riding? - Click HERE To View.

7- Zip Stitch A Revolutionary Way To Heal Open Wounds - Click HERE To View..

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