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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

1- The World Economic Forum Releases Guide On How to Manipulate The Public - Click HERE To View.

2- Covid 19 and The PCR Test – No Pandemic, Only Junk Data! - Click HERE To View.

3- Doctor Explains How His Patients Regret Getting Vaccinate "Vaccine Regret" Is Beginning To Set In - Messages are appearing on Twitter from angry injected people who thought they were getting their freedom back... No that was just the false baiting and the media propaganda...

As a bonus, they invalidated their health- and life insurance, will be banned from flying, can't donate blood anymore and their life is basically over. - Click HERE To View.

Anonymous Author

4- Dr. Fauci Receives Backlash After Saying There’s ‘No Doubt’ Children 3 Years and Older Should be Wearing Masks - Why is This Demon Cabal Monster Fauci Still Talking, Why is He Still Alive? Put A Muzzle Yourself Fauci Cause Your Number and Your Time On This Planet is Up. You're A Mass Murderer and NOTHING You Say Has Relevance. Go Muzzle Yourself Because No One is Listening and No One Cares. - Click HERE To View.

5- Spain’s Top Court Rules Pandemic Lockdown ‘Unconstitutional’ - Click HERE To View.

6- Trump Suing BIG Tech, Haitian President's Assassination, Pfizer Jab Ingredients - Click HERE To View.

7- Haitian President EXPOSES the Clinton Foundation & Hillary - This Video Was Filmed In 2016, However Its' Relevant In 2021 Because Most of The American Public Has Not Viewed This Video. - Click HERE To View.

8- The Hidden History of The Khazarian Mafia - Secret History of Khazarian Mafia and Its Evil Plan to Hijack The Whole World Now Revealed for First Time - Click HERE To View.

9- Vibrational and Frequency Healing! - Detailed Information On The 5 Different Med Beds That Are Currently Being Rolled Out For ALL of Humanity - Click HERE To View.

10- Introducing Quantum Healing Technologies - Click HERE To View

11- Former President Bill Clinton Admits Western Medicine Has Conducted Thousands of Medical Experiments On The American Public Without Their Consent and Knowledge - This is a Topic That I Have Written Many Commentaries On Over The Past Several Years. The Corrupt Cabal Medical System Has Been Experimenting On The Public For at Least a Century, That I Know of.

Most of Their Medical Experiments Were/Are Unethical and Caused Emotional, Physical Harm and or Death To The Unsuspecting Victim.

A Few Years Ago The 'Center For Disease Control 'C.D.C.' Had a Nerve To Apologize to Americans Who Were Accidently Injected with Cancer Cells Between The Mid 1950's To The Early 1960's. During That Time Close To 250 Million Babies and Children Were Given Polio Shots That Were Laced with Cancer Cells.

How Many People Do We All Know That Have Been Diagnosed, Are Suffering With and Have Died of Cancer? Could The 'Accidental' Injection of Cancer Cells Into The Human Body Be The Reason Why We've Lost Friends and Loved Ones To Cancer?

Western Medicine Medical System Has NOTHING To Do with Healing or Curing People of Diseases and Illnesses, Their Goal is To Keep The Public 'Comfortably' Sick and Ill So They Can Continue Their Experimentation While Making Billions of Dollars Each Year Prescribing Dangerous 'Black Magic' Drugs That Silently Destroy The Human Body Over Time.

These Psychopaths Are The Ones Who Teach and Educate All People Who Want To Go Into The Medical System. Unless Doctors, Nurses Think Outside of The Box and Do Their Own Research They Too 'Unknowingly, Knowingly' Take Part in The Destruction and Demise of The Human Species.

Over The Past Two Years The Cabal Have 'Conveniently' Murdered Those Who Practiced Painlessly Healing and Curing The Human Body of Illness By Use of 'Natural' Methods ie; Herbs, Frequency, Sound, Light etc.

These Natural Methods Cost Less, Have Little o Know Side Effects and They CURE Cancer, Diabetes, All Types of Illnesses and Diseases. The Cabal Frown On Any Other Type of Medical Care Other Then What They Place Their Stamp Of Approval On. Instead They've Chosen To Silence, Suppress and Murder Doctors Who Practice and Have Successfully Healed and Cured Their Patients Using Alternative Healing Methods

In The New Era We Are Entering Western Medicine Will Be Destroyed, Hospitals Will Turn Into 'Wellness Centers'. All Those Who Took Part In Harming and Killing Humans via The Corrupt, Evil, Satanic Medical System Will and Are Being Dealt with In a Very Harsh Manner. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

12- Letter Templates To Challenge Masks, & Decline Vaccines - Click HERE To View.

13- Patent Filed To Enable Humans To Walk Through Walls? - Guess What Folks? Ya Don't Need A Patent To Walk Through Walls, Because ALL of You Are Human Alien Hybrids and You Have The Natural Galactic Ability To Walk Through Walls and You Have The Ability To Do a Whole Hell of A lot More Once You Learn How To Tap Into Your Higher Frequencies.

In My Higher State of Consciousness I've Flown Through Brickwalls, Buildings etc. at Incredible Speeds and I Didn't Get ONE Scratch On Me. Just For The Fun of it I've Stood In Front of Moving Trains, Planes, Busses, Cars, People and They Moved Right Through Me and I Did Not Obtain One Injury. Your Aliens and You Don't Need A Patent. Once You Connect with Your Higher Frequency You'll Be Ale To Just 'Do It' and Enjoy It, Because Its'; Yours. - Click HERE To View.

14- Advertisement of Sanitary Napkins Contaminated With Graphene 'Nano Particles' - Graphene 'Nano Particles' Are One of The Prime Ingredients In The COVID-19 Bioweapon Dubbed a Vaccine. Come On Lets' Take The Light Bulb Test. - Click HERE To View.

15- World Health Organization (WHO), Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and Center For Disease Control (CDC) Have Been Charged With Committing Crimes Against Humanity and Mass Genocide of The Human Species. The Nuremburg Trials 2.0 Continues To Move Forward Behind The Scenes. - Click HERE To View.

16- David Icke: YOUR Time Has Come - Click HERE To View.

17- Here Are Truthful Facts That You Don't Know But Should - Click HERE To View.

18- J&J Recalls Sunscreens After Carcinogen Found In Some Sprays - Well, Well Well, Here We Go With Another Johnson & Johnson Product Recall. I Notice This Sign I Guess is Representative of The Johnson & Johnson Companies That are Located in Switzerland. Don't Let That Sway Your Minds, No Matter Where Their Companies Are Located Throughout The World They ALL Fall Under ONE Umbrella.

Let's Keep In Mind This is The Same Johnson & Johnson Company Who Knew For Decades That Their Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder Contained Cancerous Carcinogens. They Are Currently Settling Lawsuits For The Undisclosed Amount of People Who Were Diagnosed with Cancer Because of Their Product.

Let Us Not Forget The Johnson & Johnson Company Name Created and or Sponsored One of The COVID-19 C-Vax Jabs. This Should Prove To Yall' The Pure Evil That Lurks Within The Corrupt Western Medical System and ALL of These Cabal Owned Companies. Anyone Who Lines Up To Get The Johnson & Johnson C-Jab is Already Completely Brain Dead. Just Sayin'. - Click HERE To View.

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