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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Oct 11, 2021

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The Picture Above Represents What Certain Alien Species Including My Own Look Look Like Without a Physical Body. We Are Know as 'Light Beings or Beings of Light'.


Questions and Answers To Astral Space Travel


My Name is Sen-I, But My Earth Name is Susan. I Am A Galactic Human and My Home Planet Is Inside of The Sun. I Began My Incarnation Here On Earth Many Centuries Ago and According To My SOUL Contract as Per My Agreement This Will Be My Last Incarnation On Earth.

My Galactic Family and I Are Known as 'Star Travelers'. We Travel The Galaxy and We Act as Mediators For Planets That Are In Distress To Help Prevent Acts of War.

My Galactic Family and I Travel A lot Throughout The Galaxy and We Spend Most of Our Time Living In Our Ship, But We Do Have Our Home Inside of The Sun.

On My Home Planet We Enjoy Living as A Community. Everyone Has Whatever They Need and No One Goes Without. We Can Dine Together In Our Gigantic Glass Dome Dinning Hall or We Can Sit Outside In The Community Garden That is Full of Bright Colorful Flowers That Grow 3-5 Feet Tall Surrounded By Tall Trees and Thick Grass.

We Work as a Team Unit and We Don't Have a Monetary System, So We Don't Understand The Concept of Money. Here On Earth People Will Lie, Steal and Kill For A Piece of Paper or a Plastic Card.

I've Incarnated Many Times Here On Earth, So I've Experienced Many Different Life Times Here On Earth. My Current Here Life I Still Do Not Like or Understand The Concept of Money.

On My Home Planet We Do Not Pay Fees To Live and Exist. We Work Together, Look Out For Each Other and We Maintain Community and No One Wants For Anything.We Also Do Not Believe In Materialism, We Have No Need To Try and Keep Up with THe Latests Styles, Fashions, Cars, Houses etc.

Here On Esrth Materialism is Valued and People Are Judged and Divided Into Classes Based On What They Have or Don't Have. Monetary Systems Only Exist On Planets That Have Been Enslaved.

Anyway Listed Below Are A Few Questions People Have Asked Me In Regard To My Astral Space Travel. Every Species of Alien Has Their Own Unique Way To Travel, This is The Way My Species Travels.

----- QUESTION: How Do I Travel Without Use of A Galactic Ship?

ANSWER: My Alien Species Is Made Up of Conscious Light Energy. Meaning On My Planet (Inside The Sun) We Do Not Need A Physical Body's To Exist. We Are Made of Conscious Energy and As Conscious Energy I Have The Natural Ability To Travel Anywhere In The Universe Within a Blink of An Eye.

As A Galactic Human Here On Earth I Am Considered A Student and I Must Take On Many Tasks and Missions Both On/Off Planet. Just Like Any Human I Have A Physical Body That I Need To Fit In On This Planet, When I Travel Off Planet My Physical Body Stays Here On Eearth and My Astral Body Travels Where It Needs To Be.

My Galactic Guides Generally Take My Astral Body Out of My Physical Body and They Will Escort Me To Whatever Planet I Need To Be On. If That Planet Requires That I Have A Physical Body I Am Placed Into a New Body During My Mission.

About One Year Ago I Was Placed On Reptilian Ship and I Had To Take On The Body of a 12 Foot Reptilian Alien In Order To Blenfd In. Needless To Say I Was Not Very Happy, But I Had To Complete a Mission, So There Was Nothing I Could Say or Do.

QUESTION: Does It Hurt When You Exit Your Physical Body and Enter Into A New Body?

ANSWER: No It Doesn't Hurt at All. When I Am Needed On A Mission My Earthly Body Will Become Very, Very Tired All of A Sudden. When That Happens I'll Know To Go and Lay Down. Several Times I've Blacked Out Before I Made it To My Bed, BUT My Galactic Guides Will Put My Physical Body In My Bed, So When I Return I Am Not Laying On The Floor.

Once I Am In Bed My Astral Body Will Float Out of My Physical Body and I Am Sent To Where I Need To Be. The Transition Takes Less Then 2 Seconds. My Physical Body is Connected To My Astral Body By An Invisible Silver Cord. If My Physical Body Is Ever In Distress I Am Automatically Sent Back To My Body.

The Main Goal is To Maintain My Physical Bodies Vital Signs So That I Can Re Enter Upon Completion of My Mission. Once That Silver Cord is Broken I Wont Return To My Earthly Body and it Will Appear as If I Am Deceased, When In Fact I Will Return To My Planet and Maybe if I Choose I'll Take On A Body, Mission On A Different Planet.

As A Star Traveler My Life Cycle is Virtually Infinite. YES, I Can Be Permanently Removed From The Universe and Destroyed, But I Would Have To Break Every Rule In The Galactic CODE X For That To Happen and I Don't Intend On Being a Bad Alien.

QUESTION: Does It Hurt To Re Enter Your Physical Body After You Complete A Mission?

ANSWER: No, It Doesn't Hurt at All. However Sometimes I Can Have a Rough Re Entry and It Might Take Me A Few Minutes For My SOUL, Brain and Physical Body To Fall In Synch. I've Literally Been Off Planet and Then BOOM I Am Back On Earth. Sometimes It Takes Me A Few Minutes To Readjust to Being Back On Earth.

QUESTION: Are You Allowed To Travel Freely Through Space Without Being On A Mission, If So Where Do You Go?

ANSWER: YES, Sometimes My Galactic Guides Will Allow Me To Roam The Universe Freely Without Restrictions. When I Am On My Own Time I Go EVERYWHERE I Can. I Love Floating/Flying Above Water, Mountains and Bein g Around Nature. I'll Go To Other Countries Here On Earth.

I'll Go To A Zoo or An Animal Park After Hours and Play With The Animals. The Other Day I Was On A Mission and I Stopped Off at A Restaraunt That Was Off Planet. In All My Missions I NEVER Stopped To Eat.

I Went To Bed That Night Hungry, Cause I Didn't Want To Eat Before Laying Down. When My Guides Picked Me Up and Dropped Me Off at My Mission I Actually Wa Hungry Off Planet.

After I Completed The Mission YES I Stopped Of To Eat. The Owner Was Happy To See Me Sit Down and Et, Because She Saiud I'm Always Zooming By or I'll Grab Something Quick To Eat.

I Ate Baked Pork Chops, String Beans and Baked Potatoe and A Large Mug of Iced Tea No Sugar. NO, We Do Not Eat Annimals, Some Off Worlders Do But I Don't. My Food Was Created In A Replicator, So It Can Create Whatever Is On The Menu, BUT There is No Harm To Any Animal.

Funny Here Oon Earth I Do Not Eat Pork and I Only Eat a Little Beef Once A Month. For Me To Order A Baked Porkchop I Had To Be Out of My Mind with Hunger.

QUESTION: Are You Battling In Off Planet Wars?

ANSWER: YES, I Am. I Work Aboard A Battle Galactic Ship and My Task Vary Depending On What Needs To Be Done. I Do Everything From Piloting One of The Smaller Galactic Fighter Ships To Apprehending and Interrogating The Enemy.

QUESTION: Have You Ever Had To Use Your Galactic Abilities To Harm Anyone Off/On Planet and What Are Your Abilities?

ANSWER: Off Planet YES, I've Used My Abilities To Cause Harm ONLY When Neccessary and it is Not Something I Am Proud of I Am Trained To Do What I MUST Do Based On The Situation.

NO, I've NEVER Used My Powers Here On Earth Although There Atre Many Times Lately I've Been Tempted Too, Because of The Dangerous Situations Here On Earth. Its' My Natural Instinct To Want To Jump In and Fix Problems and Stop People From Being Hurt and Killed.

I Am Learning How To Step Back and Just Observe and Allow Stuff To Happen. That is The Most Difficult Task For Me Hhere On Earth. Sometimes I Just Want To Crush All The People Causing Harm To Others, But I Can't Do That.

My Abilities Are Activated By The Power of My THOUGHT. In The Astral Realm I Can Look at Someone, Usually A Bad Person and They'll Just Drop To The Ground or Worse. I Can Lift A Person and Toss Them Across A Room. Its' All Based On My Power of Thought. During This War I Am Using My Abilities Off Planet. I Prefer Using My Abilities To Assist People, Not Harm Anyone.

QUESTION: What Type of Weapons Do You Use In Off Planet Battles?


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