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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power.... ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched. As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

This is An Alien Woman Who Was Found Frozen In Her Crashed Ship With Her Partner/Pilot/Co Pilot On The Planet MARS. Her Partner's Body Was Severely Damaged, Her Body Was Fully Intact and The Astronauts Got Permission To Retrieve Her Body and Transport Her To Earth.

There is an Amazing Video That Accompanies This Picture But it Was Removed Off Of The Internet Year Ago. In The Video Archaeological Scientist Give A Detailed Run Down of Her Physical Body.

That Bump In The Middle of Her Head is an Actual Computer Device and It Decodes Her Thoughts. It is Believed That The Computer Chip is a Vital Part of Who They Are and It Used To Control Many Different Things Including Their Ship. The Video Was Amazing Because Part of It Was Taken Inside The Actual Crashed Ship On MARS.

I Was Able To Watch The Video a Few Times Before It Was Scrubbed Off of The Internet. To My Knowledge The Video Has Not Yet Resurfaced In Over 7 Years. They Named Her "Mona Lisa." I Do Not Know Why They Would Name Her "Mona Lisa." Makes No Sense at All To Me, But Hey.

This Breaks The Myth That ALL Aliens Are Grotesque Looking and or Little Green Men. With The Exception of a Few Details Many Races of Aliens Are Humanoid, and Look Very Much Like Earth Humans.

1- People Who Reported COVID-19 Violations Get Death Threats After State Releases Their Name I Hope The American Public Who Are Turning To "Snitchin' Bitches" Realizes They Are Once Again Being Used and Played For Sucka's By The NAZI Faction of The Cabal. This is Yet Another Version of Their "Conquer and Divide" Strategy."

This is Exactly What The NAZI's Did To The Jews When Hitler Took Over Germany. They Convinced The Jews To Become Spies and Informants Against Their Neighbors, Friends and Family, as If Snitching On Their Neighbors and Family Would Save Their Lives. In The End Hitler Murdered The Snitches Right Along with The Rest of The Jews.

This is a Cabal Game Tactic, They Sit Back and Watch as The People Destroy, Harm and Kill Each Other From Within Their Own Ranks. They Want You Dead Anyway, They Are Just Giving The American Public Different Ways To Destroy Themselves.

Note To ALL "Snitch Bitches" The Graves Are Full of Bitches Who Snitch On Their Neighbors, Friends and Family. Sorry, In A War Their Aint' No Medals Given To Snitch Bitches. Those Who Are Using and Playin' You Like A Grand Baby Piano Are The Ones Who'll Win In The End. When You Stab Your Neighbor In The Back Don't Always THINK They'l Just To Lie Down, Bleed and Die In Silence, Trust Me Before They Close Their Eyes They Are Going To Come After You In Some Way.

In This Situation The Cabal Made it Easy For Them, By Revealing The Names of The "Snitchin' Bitches." You Snitch For The Cabal and They'll Reveal Your Name To The Person You Snitched On, Now Aint' That Funny? In The End Ya Got Played, and You're Probably Gonna Get Your Ass Kicked In By Your Neighbor, Family Member or Whoever You Snitched On. Was It/Is It Worth It?

This is One of The Many Reasons Why Humanity Remains Stuck On Stupid, Because Instead of Coming Together and Being of Service To Each Other, Were Busy Stabbing Each Other In The Back. Meanwhile The Real Enemy in All of This Which is The Cabal Continue On With Their B.S. While The American Public Continues Hating, Fighting and Killing Each Other Over The B.S. The Cabal Created In The First Place.

It Wont Necessarily Be The Cabal Who Destroys America, But It Will Be The Ongoing Blind Ignorance and Compliance of The American Population That Will Be The Destruction and Demise of America and Its' People. Click HERE To View.

2- New York Governor Cuomo To Work With Gates Foundation To 'Reimagine' Schools - Yup The United States Educational School Systems Are Being Revamped and Will Change For The Better of ALL Students. Children, Teens and Adults Will Benefit From The New Educational System.

The New Educational System Will Be Based On The Off Planet Teaching System. There Will Be

No More Sitting In Classes All Day Just Listening to a Teachers That Have Themselves Sadly Been Educated Under The Same Satanic Ruling System of The Cabal.

Whether They Know This or Not The Current Student Curriculum Teaches Students The Minimal Needed and Required For Them To Become Good, Obeying Worker Slaves and NOTHING More.

According To The Galactic's and Based On What I've Seen Off Planet The Educational System Here On Earth is Thousands of Years Behind Where Humans Should Be.

On Other Planets Learning is Not Restricted To "Class Rooms" And A Lap Top Computer. I've Mentored Students That Live Off Planet and The Children Are Taught In Many Different Environments That Are Based On Lessons They Are Being Taught.

If They Are Learning About Earth and Earth Humans, They Will Actually Take a Field Trip To Earth. If They Are Learning Science They Will Be Taught In a REAL Science or They Can Turn Their Class Into an Interactive, Holographic Science Lab.

There are a MILLION Fun and Interactive Ways To Educate Earth Humans, But The Cabal Who Rule America Chose The Most Outdated, Antiquated Method of Teaching. What's Really Disturbing is Students Are Only Being Taught A Tiny Fraction of What They "MIGHT" Use Later On I Their Lives. Earth Humans Have Not Yet Started Their Process of Learning.

Keep In Mind Humans Are Enslaved On This Planet, The Over Lords Who Rule This Planet Have No Intention of Teaching Earth Humans What They Really Need To Learn. WHY? Because They Do Not Want Their Human Slaves To Out Smart Them. You Are Taught Just Enough To Become a Good, Obeying, Worker Slave.

As For Bill Gates and Cuomo. They Wont Have Shyt To Say About Anything. Bill Gates is Already On House Arrests and Some Say He's Already Been Jailed and or Executed. Cuomo Not Only Has Both of His Feet Stuck In His Ass He Also Two Feet In His Reserved Jail Cell at GITMO.

They Are Allowing Him To Finish Playing Out His Scripted Role. The Goal is That The New York Public Will Pay Attention and Take Note of Cuomo's Corruption, Before They Cart His Ass off Somewhere.

New Yorker's as Well as ALL Americans Need To Pay Attention To The B.S. That Your Mayor's and Governors Are Bringing Forth. These Human /Alien Governments Who Have Boldly Violated Your Civil and Human and Committed Other Heinous Crimes Will Be REMOVED. Those Not Paying Attention To What's Going On Will Be Lost and Standing Around Looking Stupid When These Human/Alien Governments Suddenly Disappear. - Click HERE To View.

3- Trump Says Coronavirus Will 'Go Away Without A Vaccine' - I Hope Trump Haters and Those Who Remain Ill Informed are Paying Attention. Their Blind Ignorance Will Lead These Injections That Have NOTHING To Do With Preventing or Curing COVID-19 Virus. These FALSE COVID-19 The Ingredients In These Injections Contain Nano Bots/SMART Dust, Tracking Chips, Assorted Poisons/Chemicals and a Kill Switch.

These Injections Work In Conjunction With 5G and ALL Devices/Appliances That Are Labeled as SMART Devices. For The Most Part Americans Have Already Un Knowingly Been Prepped For The Cabals Trans Human Agenda. In Part Your Body Already Has What It Needs To Literally Be Connected To 5G and All SMART Devices.

The Cabal Began Poisoning The Human Body with Nano Bots/SMART Dust Since 1996. Through Chem Trails Its' Been Sprayed On Us and Absorbed Into Our Skin and We Breath It Into Our Body, Because it is Airborne.

Its' Also Been Placed in Everything We Ingest ie; Food, Water, Medicine etc. Those Who Get Vaccinated Are Automatically Getting Poisoned With Nano Bots/SMART Dust and Whatever Else They Choose To Put Into The Vaccine.

If You Don't Know This By Now "Do Not Get Vaccinated With ANYTHING." Parents You Better Get Up Off of Your Butts and Start Speaking Out and Advocating For Your Kids and Your Grand Kids, Because They Do Not Have A Voice.

YOU Are The Voice The Voice That Represents Your Children/Grand Children, Their Well Being, Safety and Lives Are In Your Control, Do Not Forget That.. - Click HERE To View.

4-URGENT! Full Disclosure from 'INSIDE’ - The Democrats Are Trying To Pass a Bill That Allows Official To Come Into Your Home and Test You For COVID-19. They Are Doing This To Take Your Children and Family Members From Your Home. Its' Being Tested Out In California First and Then Will Be Tested In Other States.. Yall' Sleepers Better WTF Up NOW!! - Click HERE To View.

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