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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- Health Officials From Dozen of States Have Mistakenly Lumped (+) Results From Antibody Tests In With Viral Tests For COVID-19 In Reporting to CDC, Inflating New Cases - 'Mistake' My Ass, They Know What They Are Doing. The Goal is To Pump Up The Numbers. The More COVID-19 Cases The More Money Hositals, BIG Pharma and Every Crooked Person Involved Makes.

Pumping Up The Numbers Helps To Instill More Fear In The Public Which Helps To Promote The 'Wear a Face Mask/Muzzle' Agenda and That Helps To Promote The Getting Vaccinated SCAM' Because its' The Right Thing To Do.

Meanwhile It Makes People Like Myself, Who Aint' Fallin' For The COVID-19 B.S. Look Like Ass Holes Because We Are Standing Up For Our Constitutional RIGHT Not To Wear A 'Face Mask Muzzle' In Public. This Whole Thing Was Maticulously Planned Out as Part of The NAZI Based/New World Order Take Over Here In America.

The Dumbed Down Sleeping Sheepole IDIOTS Who Continue To Fall For This B.S. By Cowering and OBEYING The Fake NAZI Based Rules and Laws Are The Ones Making The BIGGEST Mistake of Their Lives and They Are Too Dumbed Down and Mind Controlled To Realize It. I See People Who Are Sittin' at Home Actually Making and Sellling Home Made 'Face Mask Muzzles' Like They Are 'Betsy Ross Sewing The American Flag.'

What's Really Sickening is They Have Not Done Their Research and They Have No Idea The Potential Harm They Are Causing By Making and Selling Face Mask Muzzles That Have Already Been Determined To Be Harmful for Humans. Yet These Are People Who Truly Believe They Are Helping To Prevent The Spread of a FAKE Virius That You Can Not Catch Because Its' Already Been Injected Into Your Body.

They Are The People Who'll Be Among The 1st To Stand In line To Receive Their COVID-19 Vaccination That Will Be Full of Poison Designed To Sicken, Injure or Transition Them Into A Mindless, Obeying Robotic Trans Human Being and or If Worse Comes To Worse The FAKE COVID-19 Vaccination Will Kill Them Off Quickly.

When Its' All Said and Done The People Who Blindly OBEY Fake Chumped Up Rules and Laws Without Reservatiuon or Question They Are The Ones Who Inadvertently Become a DANGER To The Public Who Critically THINK Before They React. - Click HERE To View.

2- People Have Been Asking Us About Wayfair...Are Kids Really Sold Online? - Click HERE To View.

3- Famous Celebrity Dresses, Grooms and Programs Her Two Little Adopted Boys To Be Girls

4- Start Up Company Starts The Flow of Normalizing Modern Day Vampyrism - $8,000 Will By The Elite Modern Day Vampire a Pint of Young Blood. In Order For The Human Body To Produce 'Adrenochrome' The Child/Adult Victim Must Be Purposely Terrified and Scared To Near Death. Imagine Placing a 5 Year Old Child In a Casket and Lock Them In Their Til' Their Damnn Near Dead.

Imagine Threatenin a 7 Year Old Child To Fight and Kill Another Child or He'll Be Killed. This is Just a Tiny Example of What These Psychopathic Modern Day Homicidal Elite Cabal Pedophiles Do To Children To Force Their Bodies To Produce Adrenochrome In Their Blood So They Can Harvest it and Consume It. - Click HERE To View.

5- Does The Fairy Tale 'Pinnochio' Promote Pedophilia With Boys? - Click HERE To View.

6- Macualy Caulkin Said; 'You Learn To Recognize Which One Wants To Abuse You' - Click HERE To View.

7- Romania Dismantles Third Human Trafficking Ring in Four Days - Click HERE To View.

8- School District Using Power Fans With Disinfectant To Combat COVID-19 - Click HERE To View.

9- The German State of North Rhine Westphalia Has Uncovered an Enormous Pedophile Ring of at Least 30,000 Pedophiles - Click HERE To View.

10- WARNING: False COVID-19 Vaccines Contain Tracking Devices, But No Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccine - Click HERE To View.

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