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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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One of These Men Murdered 10 Million Jews The Other Man Murdered 15 Million Blacks, Why Does The History Books Only Talk About One Man and The Atrocities Against Humanity That He Committed? This is a Perfect Example of How The Satanic Cabal Under The Rule of Their Diabolical Alien Over Lords Have Conveniently ERASED History That They Felt Was Irrelevant To Their Evil Agendas.

Parents Speak After Accusing Walgreens of Administering COVID-19 Vaccines Instead of Flu Shots To Their Children Who Are Not Yet Old Enough To Take The COVID-19 Vaccine/Bioweapon. This is What Can Happen When People Place Greed Before The Well Being of Human Lives.

Walgreens Like Most Sites That Are Giving People The Jab Are Getting Paid Thousands of Dollars For Every Person They Inject with This BIOWEAPON.

The Person Who Administered These Poisonous Jabs To Two Children Will Be Brought Up On Charges of Committing Crimes Against Humanity. ALL Walgreens Pharmacy's Should Be Investigated and Monitored For Harassing Their Customers To Get The Jab From The Moment They Enter Into Their Pharmacy. Click HERE To View.

YES, Alternate Realities Do Exist. Humans Are Co Creators of This 3D Dimension, Every Human Has The Ability To Create Their Own Reality. This is Yet Another BIG Secret The Cabal Under The Orders of Their Alien Over Lords Have Conveniently Kept Hidden From Humanity.

WHY Would They Keep This Life Altering Fact Hidden From Humans of Earth? Because Humans Can Manifest Reality Through Their Power of 'THOU GHT'. Through The Use of Mass Mind Control The Cabal Implant Thoughts Into The Human Brain. Individually A Person Can Manifest Their Own Reality, As a Collective Unit Through The Power of 'THOUGHT' Humans Have Created Alternate Time Lines That They Live, Thrive and Die On.

Look at The Ongoing Controversy Over The Vaccine/Bioweapon. People Believe it is Safe and Its' Extremely Difficult To Get Them To Change Their Mind. Through Their Collective Power of THOUGHT They Created A Time a New Time Line That Supports Anyone Who Believes The Vaccine/Bioweapons Are Safe.

Then You Have Those Who Don't Believe The Vaccine/Bioweapons is Safe, They Too Have Created an Alternate Time Line That Supports Non Vaxxers. Then You Have Those Who Are Still Straddling The Fence and Are Not Sure Which Way To Go, They Too Have Created Their Own Alternate Time Line.

Each of These Time Line is Full of People Who Collectively Believe The Same Thing. If/When A Person Changes Their THOUGHT Pattern They Can Manifest a New Time Line or They Can Jump Into One of The Existing Time Lines.

The Cabal Have Always Created Problems To Keep People Divided. This Vaccine/Bioweaopon Fall Under Their 'Divide and Conquer' Agenda. It Will Keep Humanity Divided Into Three Different Time Lines, While The Vaccine/Bioweappon Continues To Injure and Murder Those Who've Been Jabbed as Well as Those Who Have Not Been Jabbed.

One of The Cabal's Biggest Fears is 'UNITY'. They Do Not Want People To Come Together and Figure Stuff Out For Themselves. Keeping Humans Divided Is a Top Priority For The Cabal. Through The Use of Mass Mind Control Using Electromagnetic Frequencies The Cabal Can Implant Thoughts Into Peoples Minds. If Enough People Believe Those Thoughts They Can Create An Alternate Time Line.

Creating Alternate Time Lines/Realities is Part of Earth Humans Galactic Abilities, But The Cabal Have Created Ways To Literally Hack Into, Harness and Use Our Galactic Abilities as a Weapon To Enslave and Cause Harm and Death To Earth Humans. Until Humans Wake Up, Remember Who They Are and Step Back Into Their Power The Cabal Will Continue Using Humanity As Pawns In Their Deadly Games of Control.

Author: Sen-I

Turning Government POWER Over To The People Click HERE To View.

Red Balloon Is A Job Search Engine Created By Employers Who Do Not Care if The People They Hire Are Vaxxed or Unvaxxed. Click HERE To View.

Tons Of Food, Supplies and Merchandise Continue To Sit Idle at Shipping Ports Located Throughout The World. Once Again I Encourage Everyone To Stock Up On Food and Essential Supplies For Yourselves, Family and Pets. Once Store Shelves Go Empty There is No Guaranteed Day/Time They Wil Be Re Stocked. Word is The Supply Chain Could Be Back Logged To The Year 2023.

Robot Dog SNIPERS Unleashed by Private Defense Contractor

Ghost Robotics have partnered up with advanced weapons manufacturers SWORD International to give a terrifying glimpse into the dystopian future of warfare by releasing images of a weaponised special-ops robotic canine, the “latest lethality sniper payload”.

The deadly tech is designed to kill with precision in a wide range of conditions of day or night, but there is worryingly little clarity over the level of autonomy the killer quadruped will have.

The firearm itself is designed to fire 6.5mm Creedmoor cartridges with long-range targets in mind.

Black Mirror suggests this does not end well ...

Boston Dynamics Walks Its "Dogs" in Washington. A REAL Dog Doesn't Seem to Like Them.

This is How Hollywood Costumes Help To Deceive The Public.

The Picture Above Shows A Highlighted Image of Bases On The Moon. This Video Reveals Strange Information Of Off Planet Events. Click HERE To View.

Vaccinated Delta Pilot Dies Mid-Flight, Plane Makes Emergency Landing Click HERE To View.

DARPA document, DRASTIC Analysis Confirms Attack On Humanity Using Aerosolized, Skin-Penetrating Nanoparticle Spike Proteins Click HERE To View.

Vaxxed Delta Pilot Dies In Flight Co Pilot Makes Emergency Landing. Customers Fear of Vaxxed Pilots Flying Airplanes Could Lead To The Implementation of A.I. Flying Commercial Airplanes. A Week Ago I Posted an Article That Revealed China's One Passenger A.I. Driven Helicopter. Click HERE To View.

Pfizer Admits People Who Take Their Vaccine/Bioweapon Jabs Can Unknowingly Pass On The Toxic Ingredients On To Anyone They Come In Contact with. These Jabs Are NOT Vaccines They Are Bioweapons. Bioweapons Are Designed To Poison Others Through Person To Person Contact. REMEMBER 'Once Your Injected, Your Infected and You Cape able of Shedding and Spreading' The Poisonous Ingredient Onto Your Friends, Family, Pets, Co Workers and People In General.

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