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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

1- Anthony Fauci Gave Scientists Over $400,000 to Make “Humanized Mice” With Scalps From Aborted Babies - I Just Want To Remind Yall' That This is The Same Person Who Advised The American Public On How To Protect Themselves During The COVID-19 PLANdemic, Just Saying. - Click HERE To View.

2- The Reason Why People Who Get The COVID-19 'Vaccine' BIOWEAPON Jab Are Becoming Magnetized - Click HERE To View.

3- US FDA Urges Users to Throw Innova Rapid Covid Test in Trash, or Return it to Company Someone Has Their Foot Stuck On The FDA's Neck Because The FDA Along with The CDC Have Known Along These COVID-19 Swab Test Kits Are Faulty. There is No Known Test For COVID-19. The Man Who Created These Swab Tests Told Yall' That From The Beginning and A Few Months After He Made That Statement He Was Found Dead. Yall' Demon Bastards Had Him Killed. WHY? Because He Was Gonna Leak The Truth To The Public and Yall' Had To SILENCE Him, Like You Do Anyone Else Who Gets In Your Way.

4- The Cabal Are Grooming This Generation 'YOUR' Children and Grand Children To Be Gender Confused Sexual Perverts And They Are Grooming Them Right In Front of Your Face - They Are Prepping Them To Be Trafficked and Sold To The Cabal For Their Sexual Pleasure. This is Part of The Cabal's 'Gender Bender Agender'.

I Hate To Say This BUT I MUST. The Deliberate Sexual Grooming of 'YOUR' Children Has Been Ongoing For Several Years Now Right Before Your Eyes and How Many Adults Were Too Damn Blind or Too Stupid To Pay Attention. They Put This Their Transgender Agenda In Your Public Schools, Libraries Anywhere They Could Draw A Crowd of Children.

What Made This Worse is Adults Were Sitting in The Audience or in The Background Allowing Children's Minds To Be Sexually Corrupted and I'm Talking Babies/Toddlers as Young as 2-3 Years Old. When it Comes To The Abuse and Corruption of A Child Mind I Will NEVER Dumb Down, Sugar Coat or Apologize For My Rage and Anger. These Babies Have No VOICE, No CHOICE Til' The Day I Exit This Twisted, Fucked Up Planet, I'll Be Their Goddamn VOICE and If You're Still Fuckin' Human You Will Speak Up For Them Too. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

5- Galactic/Earthly Update with Dr. Sam Mugzzi and Kent Dunn of The 'Quantum Shift' Show Click HERE To View.

6- FOX News, News Reporter Admits On LIVE TV That She's Being Muzzled From Telling The American Public The Truth - Main Stream Media News Is Getting Ready To IMPLODE - Fox News Reporter Admits On LIVE TV That She and Many Other Reporters Are Being Muzzled From Telling The Public The Truth. This Post is Mainly For Those of You Who BELIEVE Everything That Your Local Main Stream Media News Outlets Tell You.

They Have Not Told The American Public The Truth Since After John F. Kennedy's Murder In 1960's. After His Death The Corrupt CIA Initiated 'Project Mockingbird'. When Project Mockingbird Went Into Affect It Became LEGAL For ALL News Media Outlets To LIE and Spread Propaganda To The Public. Their Goal is Always To Keep The American Public Dumbed Down and Not Knowing The TRUTH About ANYTHING or What's Really Going On.

MSM News is Now Being Threatened with Charges of Treason Against America and Its' People. Treason is Punishable By Swift Death By The Military or LIFE In A Very Un Comfortable Prison. News Casters Who Are Scared For Themselves and Their Families Are Going To Start Rattin' Themselves and Each Other Out.

The Hardcore News Casters Who Don't Cave In Are Either Reptilian Aliens Cloaked as Humans and They Don't Give A Rats Ass or They Are Cabal Minions and The Cabal Have Threatened Their Lives and The Lives of Their Families.

The Cabal Will Kill ANYONE Who Betrays Them, They Will Kill A Hundred Babies To Punish Those Who Betray Them. We ALL Have Trackers Installed In Our Bodies and They Can Track Anyone Down Within A Foot of Where They Stand or Lay, So There is No Where To Hide - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

7- Birmingham News Anchor Christopher Sign Passes Away - In Light of The Truth Being Revealed, Expect To See an Influx of Main Stream Media News Casters Suddenly Dyeing or Resigning. - Click HERE To View.

8- BBC Drops a Bollock - Tells The Truth - Half The People Vaxxed Will Die from the "New Variant" Click HERE To View.

9- What is Succession Planning? - Large Companies Planning To Replace Their Employees Within 2-3 Years Because They Will Die From The COVID-19 Vaccine Bioweapon - Click HERE To View.

10- Airlines Open Talks on Banning Vaccinated From Flying! 150,000 Vaccine Deaths Hidden From Public! - Click HERE To View.

11- Sexterrestrial Aliens Are Here to Breed With Humans - This Alien Abduction Photo Was Taken by a US Army Sergeant with Night Vision Camera During an Abduction That He Was Unable to Prevent. YES, Many Alien Races Have Been Abducting Humans Since Day ONE For Various Reasons, Including Breeding Purposes.

If You Live On Earth You've Most Likely Been Abducted By an Alien Race One or More Times. Some People Are Abducted Throughout Their Lives On This Planet. Many People Have No Memory of Their Abduction, Because Their Memories Are ERASED Upon Completion of The Abduction. Aliens Have Many Ways To Abduct Humans and Take Them Aboard Their Ships. Some People Have Memory of Their Abduction Experience(s) Depending On Which Alien Species Abducts The Human Their Experience(s) Can Be Pleasant or Horrific.

Some Alien Races Have No Conscious and They Just Do Whatever They Need To Do Without Remorse or Compassion Towards The Human. I Work Off Planet, So When I Am Transported Between Earth and Off Planet That is Not Considered an Abduction Because it is Part My Life/Soul Contract That I Agreed To Before I Incarnated On Earth.

However I Too Have Been Abducted Several Times During My Current Life On Earth. I Am Grateful That My Abduction Experiences Were Pleasant and Non Threatening. I Have 7 Hybrid Children That Live Off Planet and Are Being Raised and Cared For By Various Families. I've Been Abducted Several Times To Visit My Children Who Live Off Planet.

My Last Abduction Occurred In 2020, They Needed Me To Assist with My Son Who is About 4 Years Old In Earth Years. He Was Not Well and He Was Staying at a Medical Facility and They Needed Me To Comfort Him During His Medical Procedures. The Moment They Brought Me In The Room Where My Son Was Staying I Knew Instantly He Was My Child.

His Eyes Were Big as Saucers and He Looked Weak, Sad and Very Small For His Age. The Moment I Picked Him Up and Sat Him On My Lap He Wrapped His Little Arms and Legs Around My Body and Wouldn't Let Go. It Did Not Want To Leave Him Behind and I Let Them Know I Will Abandon My Work Here To Return and Raise and Take Care of Him.

I Am Grateful That They Allowed Me To Be There For Him When He Needed Me, Because They Did Not Have To Do That. Once They Remove The Fetus From My Body My Connection with That Child is Supposed To End, But I Know and Have Visited and Spent Time with All of My Hybrid Children. They Know Me and I Know Them and They Understand Why We Must Live On Two Separate Planets. I Love ALL of My Hybrid Children and I Know One Day We Will All Reunite Once I Complete My Mission Here On Earth and Return To My Home Planet Inside of The Sun.

Alien Abductions Are REAL and Have Occurred Since They Created The Human Species. They Believe Because They Contributed Their DNA To Create The Human Physical Body They Have Every Right To Abduct, Breed and Experiment On Humans Without Their Consent or Knowledge.

I'm One of The Lucky Abductees The Species Who've Abducted Me Have Compassion and Empathy and I Am Always Informed of What's Going On. If I Disagree or Feel Uncomfortable About Anything They'll Return Me Back To Earth, No Questions Asked.

My Galactic Guides Travel With Me Wherever I Go, So I Am Always Protected. I Think The Alien Races Who've Abducted Me Know Not To Do Any Harm To Me or They Will Have To Answer To My Galactic Guides. For Whatever Reason I've Always Had an Extra Layer of Protection Both On/Off Planet. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

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