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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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Bayer Pharmaceuticals President Admits mRNA Injections Are Cell & Gene Therapies. Predicts 95% Would Refuse With No “Pandemic.” This is Further Proof They Deliberately Deceived The People. Click HERE To View.

The PCR Test is Everything But What People Think It Is. The PCR Test Can Also Be Used To Vaccinate People via Nose Swab.

The Woman Who Was Raped By Former Fake President Barack Obama and Present Fake President Joe Biden Speaks Out. Click HERE To View.

Hey to everyone who saw the human trafficking victim Ally Carter’s (formerly Tori Outlaw before adoption) story on the Stew Peters Show today, we will be releasing an edited version of her interview with the court documents detailing the ritual abuse she endured under CPS’s care tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Obama, Biden RAPE and Child Sex Trafficking Victim Speaks Out - First Time on National Platform! Ally Carter is a BRAVE woman, and she could have saved lives today by risking it all. Click HERE To View

The education systems and Social Media have lied to us all, to make us fight each other while they get richer and stronger. That's how they enslave us. If we stood together without any race division, we would've destroyed this evil system. Wake up, you're mentally enslaved.

A Few Weeks Ago I Talked A Little About The Reptilian 'Vril'. The 'Vril' is a Demonic Worm Like Entity. This Worm Like Entity Enters The Human Body Via The Eye. Once It Enters The Human Eye It Has The Ability To See, Hear and Experience Whatever Its' Host Experiences. It Can Also Take Partial or Full Control Over Its' Host Mind, Body and Spirit.

Whenever You See A Celebrity, Government Official or Anyone Who with Notoriety with A Sudden Black Eye It Generally Means They've Been Take Over By A Reptilian Vril and The Vril Has Entered Into The Eye and Latched On To The Eye Socket. This Short Video Shows A Reptilian Vril Being Removed From A Persons Eye. Once The Vril is Removed It Should Be Destroyed Properly or it Will Search For A New Human Host. Click HERE To View Additional Information.

This is A REAL Reptilian Located In an Underground Base (Location Un Known). This Reptilian Was Cloaked as a Middle Aged Woman. She Was In Process of Shape Shifting So She Could Eat This Little Boy.

The Camera Crew and I'm Sure The Military is Not Far Behind Snuck Up On Her In The Midst of Shape Shifting, She Had The Head of The Child In Her Mouth. Being A Reptilian Hybrid They Can Devour A Whole Human, Just as a Snake Would Eat A Human or an Animal.

Just Like A Snake Their Food/Prey MUST Be ALIVE When They Eat It. Just Like A Snake They Stun or Put The Human In A Trance So it Remains Still and Does Not Have The Ability To Put Up A Fight. Take Note of How The Little Boy Is Calm and Willingly Follows The Reptilian Further Back Into The Cave.

My Hope is The Child Who This Reptilian Was Getting Ready To Devour Was Rescued and Unharmed. Although I Came To This Planet Prepared To Experience All That I've Experienced Its' Still Difficult For Me To Imagine That I Exist On A Planet Where Humans Are Considered Food For Many Different Alien Species.

When I Carefully View This Video It Makes Reality That Much More Real. Its' Real, But I Still Find it Disturbing and Difficult To Accept. Many Alien Species Have Said 'Us Eating Human Flesh is Equivalent To Humans Eating The Flesh/Meat of Animals'. How Many People Really Take Time To Think About The Cow, That Was Turned Into A Hamburger or Steak or The Turkey That Was Baked and Served For Thanksgiving, or How Many Pieces of Chicken Make Up A Bucket of Your Favorite Fast Food Chicken Joint? Not Many Humans Who Eat Animal Meat Think About It, They Just Eat and Enjoy Their Meal. Well, I Guess Its' The Same For Aliens Who Dine On Human Flesh.

Author: Sen-I

Remember The Satanic Cabal Invert Everything.

This is Travis Scott. Travis Scott Is A Mind Controlled Cabal Demon. Travis Scott's Concert That Took Place at Astro World In Texas Last Week Was A Satanic Ritual Set Up By The Cabal To Injure and Kill as Many Humans as Possible. In Spite of What The Lying Ass Main Stream Media News Claims Over 100 People Were Trampled, Suffocated and Killed During That Horrific Event and Hundreds of People Suffered Injuries When They Tried To Escape The Chaos and Mayhem. Click HERE To View.

Autopsy Results of Those Who've Died as a Result Of The BIOWEAPON Dubbed COVID-19 Vaccine. Click HERE To View.

Nurse Says Hospitals Are Full of Adverse Vax Reactions.

Please note most doctors are NOT aware that spike proteins attach to the NANO and jump from person to person…thing to thing… this is also operational according to a scientist working above top secret for NASA….

Facebook is Building an AI That Can See, Hear and Learn Like Humans… and it Will No Doubt Be Used to ENSLAVE Humanity. Click HERE To View.

Pro Athletes Collapsing and Dying On The Field From The COVID-19 Bioweapon. Click HERE To View.

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